Part 33

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Well this is it. That day when...the battle happens. Oh gosh." BLAZE GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE!" Ace yelled. We been getting into arguments and been fight physically too. I went out of my room and went to Ace." What the heck do you want?!" I said annoyed. He then punched me in the stomach making me hit the wall." I've been watching you and notice something". He said and I raise an eyebrow." You don't have the powers, do you?" He said and my eyes widen." Yeah I do". I said." Stop lying! You haven't done anything that would break out that power. So you don't have the power. Admit it!" He said. We stared at each other for a few minutes until soldiers came and grabbed my arms." Take him to where his dead friend is. We'll eliminate him". He said. Then the took me to the room where Fang's body was still there and Ace followed. They locked the door and Ace pulled out a gun." Any last words Blaze?" He said with a evil smile." I hate you so much. You're even worse than Marshall himself. I should've killed you along with him too". I said in anger.(Wolfie's ex boyfriend that Blaze killed). He smirked and pointed the gun at me." Well you'll be joining him soon". He said. He was about to shoot until we heard a loud gunshots firing in the courtyard. Then one soldier came running into the room." It's the Crew! They're back with revenge!" He said." Well no matter. They don't have good fighting wolves or humans on their side". Ace said." I'll finish you off until I finish your friends off". Ace said to me then walked away with the guards and locked the door. I panicked because of this. Vanoss and the rest aren't strong enough to go against wolf hybrids. I saw a window that would show the courtyard to see what it was. I wish I could break the window to escape but the have tough glass that won't break. I kept looking until I saw a different group attack some of the wolves. In my opinion, they are really good. That until I saw a familiar member in that group fighting with a wolf. It was Wolfie. My sister Wolfie. She's looks so strong. It was surprisingly shocking to see her this strong then usual." Blaze?" A voice in my head said. It was Shadow me." Yeah. Is it time?" I said."Yep but also, there is a way to get Fang back". He said and I smiled with joy." What is it?" I said." Once you become a Shadow, you'll have the power to resurrect and he'll become a shadow too. Let me do that for you". He said." Ok". I said." Also one more thing. This is gonna hurt". He said." W-What?!" I said then I started to get a pain on my chest. I groaned in pain until I saw my hair turning black and purple leaving some white hair and so is my ears and tail. My eyes were hurting too. A few minutes later I wasn't feeling any pain no more. I saw a mirror and saw myself. I looked so different but looked so cool." Ok I guess I have to let ME resurrected Fang". I thought. I looked over to Fang's body and smiled." I hope you'll be ok Fang". I said and held out my hands. Suddenly my hands started to glow and Fang's body started to glow too. Then his hair started to change into black and purple leaving some of his normal brown hair on his ears and tail." I hope this works". I mumbled. Then suddenly Fang's eyes started to move. Then he woke up then sat up." What the". He said then saw me." Who the heck are you?!" He said angrily." Well that's a bad for you to say to your best friend". I said crossing my arms." I don't care, who are you?! Why did you bring me back?! I wanted to stay there!" He said and broke into tears. I was shocked to hear him say that." Fang, it's me Blaze". I said and his eyes widen." B-Blaze? What happened to you? What happened to me?" He said." That's isn't important. We need to get out of here. My friends are out there fighting with The Royals. So is Wolfie and these other wolves". I said." Wolfie? Is she ok?" He said." Yes now c'mon. We need to get out of here". I said then he got up and nodded. The door was locked so I use my power and blasted it open. We walked out and ran to the courtyard. Man I hope we weren't too late.

I was fighting with a weak wolf and kicked him to the ground." Wolfie stay on my sight!" Pewds said and I nodded. I looked to see Evan and the rest looked over to me and everyone. I think they know it's me. Then suddenly a explosion happened and the doors of the building blasted off the frames. Then two unfamiliar wolves came out. They look the same but one had white hair and on his ears and tail and the other one had brown on his ears and tail." WHAT THE HECK?!" I heard Wildcat yelled." B-Blaze?!" I heard the leader of The Royals said and my eyes widen." B-Blaze? That's Blaze? What happened to him? He looks so different but who's that next to him?" It isn't a fight when I'm not here". Blaze said. He looked over to me and winked. I smiled under my mask then fought with one of The Royals soldiers. Then Blaze and the mysterious wolf join in but was with Evan and the rest. Soon all of the wolves and some soldiers were down and it leave to Daniel and the last wolf. This guy looks so familiar but I just can't wrap my finger around it." It's over Ace. Your out numbered. Surrender". Blaze said. Ace. Wait. Ace as in....Marshall's little brother? Wait but it can't be him. Me and him were like good friends. Ace laughed then looked at me. Then suddenly he charged at me and kicked me in the face. Then he wrapped his arm around me and pointed a gun to my head. "WOLFIE!" Revel Mode, Chris's team and Evan, Blaze, and the others yelled." I say you surrender. Or else we'll be even. Since you killed my brother, I'll kill the one you love". He said. I was so terrified and I couldn't move. I looked over to see them with scared expressions. But then I saw the mystery wolf with Blaze. He was angry, real angry." DON'T TOUCH WOLFIE!" He yelled then charged at Ace. The mystery sounded a lot like...Fang. But then Ace smirked and shot Fang on the shoulder and leg. Fang yelped and got on the floor." FANG!" I yelled then tears went down my face." Say bye bye you weak wolf". Ace said to me. I looked over to him in anger. But then suddenly something was happening. Something growing inside me. That's when it happened.

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