Part 21

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I was talking to in a booth talking to wildcat and basically and delirious. Wildcat and Delirious were both drunk so I couldn't understand what they were talking about." Hey Blaze do me a favor and* hiccup* get me another drink". Delirious said." Sorry Delirious but your too drunk, I think you should stop now". I said with a disturb tone." Oh whatever lady, I'm really* hiccup* uh what was I saying?" Delirious said." I still don't understand how they managed to not pass out". Basically said." I was thinking the exact same thing basically". I said. While me and them were talking, I saw Wolfie running crying." Wolfie?" I said under my breath." Basically I'll be right back". I said." Ok". Basically said and I ran after Wolfie. I saw her running outside so I ran out too. Once I looked around I saw her on the ground and had her head to her knees and her wolf ears flopped down and I walked to her and sat next to her." Wolfie are you ok?" I said and she looked at me."No, I saw Evan, Luke, and Fang fighting in the hallway and it's really bloody in there". She said and I was shocked." Cmon sis we were going to stop this fight. Fang could probably claw them". I said and we both ran inside. We both saw Nogla and Mini with some girls and I walked to them."Nogla, Mini I need your help". I said and they looked at me." We're kinda business here Blaze". Nogla said. So I whisper to them what was happening. They looked at each other in shocked and ran with me and Wolfie to the hallway." There". Wolfie said pointing at Vanoss, Cartoonz, and Fang. They were still fighting and it was still bloody. So we all ran to them to break up the fight. Nogla had Vanoss, Mini had Cartoonz, and I had Fang." Let go of me!" Fang said looking at me growling. I growled back to get him to stop trying to struggle. They were all exhausted from trying to struggle free so they stopped. We all let go of them and look at them." YOU GUYS WERE ACTING LIKE CHILDREN SO STOP!" I said raising my voice." What were you thinking, Fang could have clawed you two open!?!" Wolfie said." What were you even fighting about!" Nogla said." Cause this dog kissed Wolfie". Vanoss said with a angry look." Wait WHAT?!?" I said looking at Fang." You have a dang girlfriend Fang, and you would throw that away". I said and he just stared." I didn't mean to do that". Fang said but I was still mad." That's low dude". Mini said." I can't believe you Fang". Wolfie said. She went to the wall and sat down with her head to her knees." Why, why would you do that?" I said." Cause I like her". He said." You have someone already so I don't want you doing that again". I said and Fang looked down." Fine". He said and walked back to the dance room." Now you two". I said." I gave you one chance and you blew it". I said." Well We didn't want him to get in this so we fought". Cartoonz said." Did you even thought twice to start a fight with a wolf who could have killed you with his claws?" I said and they both shook their heads no and I pinched the top of my nose." This whole scene is a mess. Let's get out of the hallway before people will think that we did something". I said." But first you two need to clean yourselves up because you guys are really bloody". Nogla said. They both nodded and went to the bathroom to clean themselves up. Once they were done, we all went back to the dance room. We all went back to the booth and saw Wildcat and Delirious passed out and Basically and Lui and Mae just relaxing. They all got up to see us and Vanoss and Cartoonz." Yo, what happened to you guys?" Basically said." Long story". I said sitting down and having Wolfie sit next to me." Well I'm going back to the party". Nogla and Mini nodded to that and disappeared in the crowd." Wow, you two are really bruised". Lui said." Yeah, we sort of got into a fight". Cartoonz said. Wolfie was about to get up but I grabbed her by the arm." Where are you going?" I asked and she looked at me"." I'm going to find Fang". She said." Why, you shouldn't be sorry for him". I said." Cause he is my friend and I would never stay mad at a friend". She said." He brought this to himself Wolfie". I said and she gave me a angry look." I don't care, now let go". She said and pull her arm right out of my hand and left." Ugh, why does she do that?" I said." Leave her be Blaze, she is just going to find her friend". Mae said." Fine". I said. I looked at Vanoss and he was looking at the direction where Wolfie left." Vanoss, why are you looking there?" I asked and he looked at me." No reason". He said. I knew something was up but I just ignored it.
Blaze's thought:" I hope nothing happens to Wolfie and Fang. We are all best friends and we would never fight like that. Hopefully he's calmed down".

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