Part 17

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After me kissing Evan, I was like why did I do that. I pretty much made him blush as well. But I just felt like it was right to do that. But it doesn't really matter to me. Hopefully he doesn't tell the guys tomorrow.

Next Day

I woke up and went to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I was done taking a shower and brushing my teeth, I got dressed into some sweats and a t-shirt. I started to brush my hair and puts some hair in front of my left eye. I do that all the time because of a secret me and Blaze was hiding. But he doesn't have what I have.
Story telling time!
You see I have a different color eyes. So I have a baby blue eye color on my right and a red eye color on my left and I cover my left my because I don't want the guys being scared of me. They always see that my left eye is covered but they think it was normal.
Back to the book
So I got out of the bathroom and saw that Blaze was up." Waking up early are we?" Blaze said teasing." Shut up Blaze". I said and he rolled his eyes." Uh sis I see your left eye". He said pointing at my eye. I covered it and brush it again." I'll be in the bathroom, you can go eat". He said and I nodded. I left the room started to walk to the living room where I can see everyone talking. I stepped in and everyone's eyes were on me." Hey Wolfie". Delirious said with a smile." Hi guys". I said went close to them. Vanoss looked at me and I looked at him and we both looked away from each other." So Wolfie, where's Blaze?" David said." He's in our room taking a shower still". I said." Hey you don't mind me asking you a question right?" Ryan said." Yeah you ask me". I said with a smile." Why do you cover your left eye?" He said. I was shocked of that question that I would never think of hearing. I looked at everyone else and they had that questioning looks as well. So I had to lie to the question." It's a style to me". I said but they weren't amused." It's like your hiding something from us Wolfie". Delirious said and I looked at him." I'm not hiding anything from you!" I said rising my voice. They never heard me rise my voice like that." Hey Wolfie, what's up?" Blaze said coming down the hall. Everyone had a angry expression on their face." Why the angry faces?" Blaze said looking confused." Is Wolfie hiding something?" Tyler said. I heard swallow hard since he didn't know what to say." Um she isn't hiding anything guys". Blaze said." That's a lie and you know what it is". Luke said." Just leave her alone guys". Evan said." No, she needs to tell us". Luke said." I can't hold it anymore!" I said and everyone looked at me." Sis don't". Blaze said holding my hand." It's time we told them Blaze". I said. He looked at me angry and walked away from me." Guys I have a....different color eye". I said and they didn't surprised." That's what you been hiding?" Lui said." It's kinda cool to be honest". Craig said." What color is it?" Evan said. I sighed and just said it." R-red". I said and they looked shocked." Well show us". David said." No one is going to laugh at you". Evan said. I sighed and uncovered my eye to open it. I opened my left eye and they were surprised." Woah, that's awesome!" Lui said and I smiled for a bit." And it's also a nice color red too". Brian said. Blaze looked at me and smiled." You should leave your eyes like that for now on". Ryan said." I think I should too". I said and walk to the kitchen." I'm proud of you little sis". Blaze said wrapping his arms around me and took them off. I grabbed an apple and started to eat it. Once I was done, I saw Mae coming." Hi Wolfie!" She said and looked at her." I see that you uncovered your eye". She said and I nodded." Well the guys says that you guys are going to the club tonight so I brought something something for you and me". She said." Ok, can't wait". I said and she nodded.

Nighttime comes by

" You ready Wolfie?" Mae said waiting for me in her party dress." I look stupid". I said." Nonsense, your just nervous". She said." Your brother is already done so just come out". She said and I swallowed hard and came out of the bathroom." Oh my god you looked so beautiful!" She said and I had my hands behind my back. I was wear a black and white blouse and a black skirt that went down to my knees and wearing black with white furry boots."I'm scared". I said and she put her hand on my shoulder." Don't be, I know your nervous but you need to be strong". She said and I smiled." Also here put this on". She said and gave me a black and white clip on flower." You ready?" She asked. I took a deep breath and looked at her." Let's go. I said and we both left the room.

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