Part 4

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It was 5:30 in the morning and I give was greetly awaken by someone.Not.
"Wakey Wakey eggs and bakey".
Someone yelled in my ear and I jump up surprised. It was the man with the monkey mask."That was so adorable Lui". Wolfie said and she started to laugh."Thanks". He said in a squeaker voice and he started to laugh too. I gave them a angry look and they stopped laughing." Vanoss wants you up and dressed in 20 minutes". Lui said."Alright". I said and he left the room. In 12 minutes we were both done talking a shower and we started to get dressed. But of course Wolfie got dressed in the bathroom. We were both done in under 14 minutes because us with speed and we left our room." Seems like no one out yet". Wolfie said. We just waiting until we saw Lui and Vanoss coming out of their rooms. Lui and Vanoss were just standing and looking at me and Wolfie with a awkward silence until Lui broken."How long have you guys been stand there?" Lui asked." For like 6 minutes I think?" I said with a confused look." Ok then?" Lui said." Let's just get this over with". I said." Right, let's go". Vanoss said and we all talk to two big door and he use a key to open it. The whole training area was so big that a big animal could sleep in here. Then Vanoss walk up to us and spoke."First things first is to see how strong you, so I have my friend droidd to fight with you and a have wildcat to fight with you too". We got alittle afraid about these guys because they were taller than us and more muscular." Your up Wolfie".Vanoss said."WHAT!" Me and Wolfie said."You heard me so go on". I heard Wolfie swallowed hard and she got in the ring." Droidd you go and fight Wolfie". Vanoss said and droidd got in the ring.
Blaze thought:"Oh god, Wolfie is going to get scolded and I can't do anything. I'm praying that Wolfie won't get that damaged".

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