Part 23

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I was upset to see Wolfie in pain like this." Is there anything we can use?" Blaze asked."There is a med kit in the back, there is enough things you could use until we get to back home". Lui said and he went to get the med kit." Can you hold her Vanoss?" He asked and I nodded. I hold her down so he could take off the jacket she had on her wound. He took the med blanket and put ahcolhol on it and started to clean the wound. She started to wimper and cry cause of the pain. Her innocent crying was making me have a hard time to even look at her." I'm almost done Wolfie". He said in a calming tone and kept cleaning the wound. We made it to the building and Blaze carried Wolfie bridal style into the building. Lui and Blaze took Wolfie into their room so Lui could remove the bullet. The rest of us was in the living room and I was against the wall looking down in silence until terroriser broke at the silence." This was a mess". He said." Yeah it was". I said." Now what, the royals know that Wolfie is in the group and they could try to find her again and they probably know that Blaze is here too". Moo said." I don't know". I said." Well we need to do something". Ohm said." Should we relocate?" Nogla asked." Maybe, but if they do something else drastic then we will have to relocate". I said. Then we heard foot steps from the hallways and it was Lui." Is Wolfie ok?" Delirious said." Yeah she fine, she is just asleep and Blaze is with her". Lui said." What are you guys talking about?" Lui said." We are thinking if we should relocate". I said." Oh well I think we should". Lui said walking next to Mae." Let's talk about this in the morning ok". I said and they nodded and walked to their rooms. Once I was walking pass Blaze's and Wolfie's room, I heard Blaze speaking." They will pay for what they did to you Wolfie, I promise you that". He said so I knocked on their door." Come in". He said and I open the door to see Blaze sitting next to Wolfie on her bed." Hey". He said." Hey, how is she?" I said." She fine". He said." I'm sorry that this happened". I said." It's ok, it's not your fault". He said. I walked to him and stand in front of him." I hope she will get better". I said. "Thanks". He said." But I have a question". He said." Do you really like Wolfie that much?" He asked which made me turn pink." I- eh". I said and he grinned." I'll take that as a yes". He said and stands up." Maybe once she gets up, you could actually confess to her you do". He said making me turn bright red." Yeah, maybe". I said." Well I'm going to bed". I said and left the room and went in my room.
Vanoss's thought:"Should I confess to her? I don't even know if she will be the same. Maybe I will do it tomorrow and see if she feels the same".
So I got ready for bed and I got in my bed and went to sleep.

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