Part 11

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As me and the gang drove to the shooting range moo made us hear some bad music on his phone." Moo can you  not play that bad song!" Wildcat said with a grouchy look." Oh come on its a good song". Moo said." NO IT'S NOT!" We all yelled at Moo." Alright alright I will put better music". Moo said." Give me that". I said and snatched the phone away from him and puts some better music." Dang this song is killer". Lui said in his squeaky voice." How do you even know this song Blaze?" Nogla said." I've been hearing this song around the city". I said." Well at least it's better than Moo's music". Wildcat said." It's a good song!" Moo yelled." Everyone just shut up so I can hear the music". Wildcat said. It was a long drive but we made it to a outdoor shooting range. Once we got out of the car, there was a lot of weapons to choose from and a barrel full of gernades and other barrel full of more explosive stuff." First let's show him the shotgun". Terroriser said." Shouldn't we take simple?" I said and they all glared at me." Dude your a man, no need to start simple". Moo said and Wildcat gave me a shot gun." Alright then". I said." I will show you how to do did first". Wildcat said and ge went to get another shotgun and he preformed how to use it. He got very close to the target's chest but got it on the neck." You think you can get it to the chest". He asked and gave him a shrug. They guys stepped back so they gave me space. So I pointed to shotgun to the target and tried to relax my mind. Once I was relax, I close my eyes and pulled the trigger. The guys were shocked to see a new hole on the target's chest." Good job Blaze". Delirious said and gave me two thumbs up while everyone cheered."Let's try another weapon". Ohm said."let's give him the sniper rifle". Lui said and gave me the sniper rifle." I'll show you how to use it". Lui said and preformed how to use it." I think you got it now". Lui said and went back to the guys. So I did what he did and relaxed my mind and pulled the trigger. I only got to the target's head which got me mad." Dang it". I said and I tried again. This time I got it to the target's neck. I growled in anger and Nogla got behind me and put his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him." It's ok if you can't do this one Blaze". Nogla said and I calmed down for a bit. We got into all the weapons and redo all of them but the ones I'm good at was the shotgun, the pistol, and a Scar H Rifle. "Well, now that we got to all of the weapons so let's go to the shooting range where Vanoss and Wolfie is at". Wildcat said and we all nodded.
Blaze's thought:" Vanoss better not have done any funny business with Wolfie".

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