Part 22

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I ran in the crowd of people and there was no sigh of Fang anywhere so I ran outside to look for him. Once I was outside, I was him at the wall and had his foot on the wall and had his arms crossed and looking up at the night sky. I walked to him and he looked at me. He was surprised at first and looked back the other way." Hey". I said looking down with my hands behind my back." Why did you come back to me?" He said still looking away from me." I wanted to say sorry". I said which made his wolf ears went up and uncrossed his arms. He looked at me and walked to me and tilted my chin up to look at him." You shouldn't be the one to say sorry". He said." I'm the one who has to say sorry". He said." I wasn't really thinking". He said." I'm sorry for fighting over you and fighting with your friends". He said and I just quickly hugged him tearing up and he hugged back." Will you still be my wolf soldier?" He asked and I nodded. We both looked at each other and he clean up my tears." Well I need to go, I have to get ready to leave because this is my last day here, but I will come back next month". He said and I hugged him again." I will miss you Fang". I said and he patted me on my back." I will miss you too." He said. I let go of him and wave to him. Once he was about to leave, people with guns showed up holding guns at us." Get down to the ground!" One guy said and we both got down to the ground on our knees." Where is your leader!" The guy said to me." I don't know what you're talking about". I said and he got angry." You know what I'm talking about, we know your in the Vanoss crew so don't act stupid". He said." I don't know what you're talking about, I'm not in a crew". I said. He got really angry so he shot me at my shoulder." WOLFIE!" Fang said. I was screaming from the pain and I couldn't get up. Fang got furious so he slashed the guy in the face with his claws. The group of guys all looked at the guy on the ground bleeding. They had their attention to their friend that had Fang the chance to grab me off the ground and used his super speed to get me inside the club. We were inside a room and he put me on the floor gently and to hide from those guys in case the came in the club. I was bleeding a lot so he took off his jacket to put pressure on the wound." Don't worry Wolfie, I'm going to find Blaze and your friends to get you, so try to stay awake". He said and I nodded. He ran outside so I sat there to wait.
Wolfie's thought:"Please hurry Fang".

I ran into the dance room to find Blaze and his friends. I was running into a lot of people and I couldn't find him. Then I went out of the crowd to the booths. Then I saw Blaze and his friends in a booth. I ran to them and went in front of them." Oh it's you, what do you want?" One of them said." I need Blaze to come with me now". I said and Blaze just gave me a angry look." Why and where's Wolfie?" Blaze said." No time to asks questions just follow me". I said." Why, Are you going to fight with me?" He said getting up and I was angry." Come...". I said." Why do you want me to-". He said and I cut him off." Wolfie got shot!" I yelled and his wolf ears went up. His friends got up as well. Vanoss had a worried expression on him and the rest were shocked."Where is she?" He said." Follow me". I said and me and him and his friends ran with me to the hallway and into a room. We all went into a room and I went to the hiding place where I put Wolfie." Wolfie I'm back". I said and she looked at me still in pain." Oh MY God Wolfie!" Blaze said and grabbed her." Be gentle Blaze she is in pain". Vanoss said. Wolfie started to cry in Blaze's chest and Blaze looked at me." Who did this?!" He asked." There was group of men with guns and they got us to the ground. They said that they knew that Wolfie was with you guys and they were looking for Vanoss but she just kept denying it. So one of them shot her and fell to the ground hard. I got furious so I slashed him in the face and ran off with Wolfie in here". I said." Do you know what they look like?" Vanoss said and I nodded." They had dark blue suits on with a golden charm around their necks". I said." Royals, this is the fifth time they tried to look for us". Vanoss said." Just please help Wolfie". I said and they nodded." I will see you soon Wolfie". I said giving her a pat to her head." They all walked out of the room helping Wolfie out and Blaze just stayed in here with me. We stand there silence not looking at each other until Blaze broke the silence." Fang, I'm sorry". He said and I looked at him." Sorry for what?" I said." For getting hard on you". He said." You shouldn't be the one to say sorry". I said." I'm sorry for doing that to Wolfie and fighting with your friends, they seem awesome". I said." I couldn't say the same". He said looking at me." Still... friends?" I said and he nodded." Well I need to go I have to leave in the morning for a plane trip back to my home". I said.". This is your last day?" He asked and I nodded." Well I see you soon Fang". He said." I will see you soon too Blaze." I said and we both left the club where Blaze's gang was waiting and he got into the car and I waved to to him good bye.
Fang's thought:"I have go leave them again. I wish I could move back here but I can't. But at least they are safe with those guys."Good bye Blaze and Wolfie". Once I was walking, someone grabbed me by behind and pointed a gun at my head." Your not going anywhere". The guy said and I was hit on the head.

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