Part 16

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After hearing that whole story from Blaze, I felt so ashamed of trying to bet with Cartoonz. So I just went to my bed and just went to sleep.

I woke up from my alarm and went to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I was done, I put on my clothes and did my hair and grabbed my mask to go to the kitchen. Once I got there, I saw everyone a the dining room eating." Well good morning sleeping beauty". Wolfie said trying to tease me and made the guys giggle." Ha ha very funny Wolfie". I said and she giggle has well. Her giggle was so cute I couldn't stand of how cute it was. She looked at Blaze who was next to her and was talking about something." Who's ready for this heist!" Lui said and everyone cheered except for Blaze and Wolfie." You two nervous?" I asked when looked at me." Sort of". Blaze said and Wolfie nodded." Well, it is your first time doing a heist". Mini said and they both nodded. So I ate my breakfast and started to get ready for the heist. I saw that Wolfie was coming to my direction and I just blanked out." Hey Evan, you alright?" She asked waving her hands at my face." Oh uh yeah I'm fine!" I said trying to stay cool." You sure?, you looked like you blanked out there". She said with a sweet tone." Don't worry, I'm fine". I said touched her slightly on her arm." Alright then?" She said and went to her room to get what she needed and I started to blush. I turned around and I saw Blaze looking at me." What?" I asked and he smirked." I see blush from you". Blaze said point at me blushing. I tried to cover it but he still can see it." Don't try covering it Vanoss". He said and walk away. We got all of our things for the heist and we got to the top of the building where Lui was waiting for us." We all got to the military plane and luckily I sat next to Wolfie. I looked at her and she looked at me and she smiled and looked back at Blaze." Everyone remember the plan?" I asked and everyone nodded. Me and everyone put our masks on and Delirious, Moo, Blaze, and Wolfie put their mask on and hoods up. We got to the military base and all of us got out." I will call you Lui to pick us up with the crate". I said and he gave a thumbs up." So everyone do their part of the plan". I said and the some of Mini, Terroriser, Nogla, Moo, and Ohm went to distract the guards." Let's do this". Delirious said and we all ran to find the crate of aid care and weapons." Guys I think I found!" Wolfie yelled and me, Wildcat, delirious, and Blaze followed her." Woah, you actually found it!" Wildcat said and patted her back." Nice job little sis". Blaze said. Once we got the crate, some of the soldiers saw us." Guys we have company". I said and they looked over to see the soldiers." ATTACK!" One of the soldiers said and we started to fight with the soldiers. I got a shotgun out and started to shoot some soldiers. Delirious was slashing them with his knives. Wolfie was using the sniper rifle and Wildcat and Blaze was using their shotguns. We managed to get all of them by a few minutes." That was close". Delirious said with a tired expression." Yeah very close". I said. Once I was ready to get the wallow talkie out, one soldier got Wolfie by the neck started to choke her." Get of me *coughs* Get off me!" She said still getting choked and struggling to get the man off her." Not a chance little lady". The soldier said." Get off her!" I said and I shot the soldiers in the head twice. Wolfie was still coughing but she was still managed to talk." Thanks Vanoss". She said still coughing. Blaze was next to her and helped her out." Your welcome". I said back. I got my walkie talkie out and called all of the guys to come to the crate area we were and Lui to get us. The rest came to us and Lui found where we were." Cmon before any soldiers see we're here!" I said and everyone got in the military plane and I attached the crate to the military plane and got it in too. We flew all the way to the shooting range and put the crate there where it's safe. We flew back to the hideout and got off the military plane." Mission accomplished everyone". I said and everyone cheered and clapped. We all got to the living room and celebrate." Hey guys I was thinking that we should go the club and celebrate for this tomorrow. What do think?" I said and they cheered." Great idea!" Droidd said and we all looked at him." Where the heck have you been?" Wildcat said." Just down at the basement". He said." Whatever so we agree for this?" I said and they nodded. Then we all did a quick celebration and the guys drank beer. Once it was nighttime the guys all went to their rooms." I see you at the room Blaze, I just need to get a drink of water." Wolfie said." Ok sis". Blaze said. I got up and went to the kitchen and I saw Wolfie drinking some water." Hi Evan". She said with a smile." H-hi Wolfie". I said shaking up." I just want to say thanks again for saving my tail back there". She said." No problem". I said. She finished drinking her water and clean it and put it on the dry board." You really are a nice guy. Night Evan". She said and came to me and kiss me on the cheek. I was blushing madly once she walked away." Eh-eh-eh". I said and was touching my face at where she kissed me. I smiled for a moment then walked to my room and went on my bed.
Vanoss's thought:" She.... kissed me. I can't believe she kissed me. I really do have feelings for her. I'm in love with Wolfie".
Then I smiled and blushed for a moment then fell asleep.

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