Part 30

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"What! I can't have it. But How?" I said." Because of your eye. Your left eye is red. Legends says that the one with a red eye or both have the power of wolves". Jelly said." But why would my brother say that he has it?" I said." Maybe because he wanted to protect you". Ashley said. I looked down at my feet almost going to cry until someone put their hand on my shoulder." It's ok Wolfie". Jack said." I just want to go find him. I left my gang because of this". I said." What gang?" Ken said." I was in a gang called the Vanoss crew". I said looking up at them." Are you serious?" Mark said and I nodded." We think of those guys as gods of criminals. But you in there group, that's awesome!" Felix said." Oh". I said surprised." Well I left them to save my brother from enemies we have but I don't know if they'll be happy to see me. It's tough because they were shouting for me to not leave to do a dangerous thing". I said." Want to know what that is?" Mark said." Selfishness?" I said." Kinda but it's more of bravery". He said." You want to save your brother and I consider that bravery". He said." And that's why I want to help you". He said and my eyes widen." You want to help me?" I said." Yeah". He said." Why?" I said." Because you'll need it. I'm pretty sure this enemy line is just humans. Humans aren't powerful against wolves". He said." I want to help too". Jack said and everyone else agreed too." It will be the least we can do to get your brother back". Ken said." Thanks guys". I said." But first you need to rest". Jack said and I nodded. I can't believe I found more wolves. If I have them with me, The Royals don't stand a chance. But hopefully the guys don't think I joined a different group.

Evan has been in the planning room this whole day and he hasn't even left the room. I went to the planning room and knocked on the door." Come in". Evan said and I opened the door and saw Evan sitting at the desk and writing some plans." Evan you've been in here this whole day, can you please take a break?" I said and he turned to me." I need to do this Jon. I don't have time for breaks". He said." Evan your getting work up over nothing. Wolfie can take care of herself and I'm pretty sure she can fight some of them off". He said." Some Jon. Not all but some". He said." Evan can you at least eat? I haven't seen you eat at all". I said. I heard his stomach growl and he touched his stomach." Yep your eating". I said." But I need to-". He said and I cut him off." No buts, no nuts, no coconuts". I said and grabbed his arm and dragged him on the floor and out of the room." Your not my parent Jon". He said with his arms crossed." I never said I was your parent Evan". I said. We passed the living room to see no one there." Where is everyone?" He said." They all went to bar. I stayed here because so I could watch over you". I said." And why do you need to watch over me?" He said. We got to the kitchen and Evan got up and grabbed stuff to make something to eat." Because everyone is worried about you Evan. Your actions are getting out of control". I said and he scoffed." Your also getting soft". I mumble but he must have heard it." What did you say!?" He said raising his voice." Nothing". I said and he grabbed me and slam me against the wall." Repeat what you just said". He said." Fine. Want to know what I say? Your also getting soft!" I said in his face." Who says I'm getting soft?" He said." I'm saying it". I said." Jon you got no right to say I'm getting soft. I'm not afraid of killing you". He said." Then strike me down Evan. Strike me down right now". I said. We kept glaring at each other then he back away turning around with his arms crossed." Your right. I am getting soft". He said then I wrapped one arm around his neck." Don't worry dude, I only say that to boost yourself up. You had found the right girl to be with. She probably has the same feelings for you. I know it". I said and he smiled." Yeah. I do, don't I?" He said looking at me." Yep but hey, you already convince yourself that you love her. You just got to say that to her". I said pointing to his chest." Hmp yeah but it'll have to wait, we got a lot of work to do to defeat The Royals". He said and I nodded. Then sat at the table eating sandwiches and have a conversation about stupid things that will make us laugh. Boy, I can't wait until we get to fight the Royals. Those idiots are going to pay for taking Blaze away from us. Wolfie is a brave girl. She was a shy girl at first, but now she is brave, nice, sweet, strong girl. Those Royals will never know what hit them.

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