Part 12

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Once we got out of the car, I saw a lot of weapons on a table and some barrels full of explosives." Let's try something easy for you, like a pistol". Vanoss said and handed me a pistol. I went to the target and aimed for it. I pulled the trigger and I missed by a 10 inches which got me ticked off. I close my eyes once I aim at the target and pulled the trigger. Once I open my eyes, I saw a new hole on bullseye." Well done Wolfie". Vanoss said with a gentle tone." Thanks". I said." Now let's do the shotgun". He said and gave me the shot gun." Now let me show you how to do it". Vanoss said and went behind me to showed me where to put my hands on the right place of the shotgun." There you got it". Vanoss said and we both looked at each other and he started to look pink but then he stepped away so I could shoot. I aim at the target and relaxed my mind and I pulled the trigger. Once I shot the target, I saw that there is a new hole on bullseye." I did it again!" I said with a cheerful smile and Vanoss got my shoulder." Woah easy there Wolfie, we haven't gone through all the weapons". Vanoss said and I heard a smirk. We got to all of the weapons and the ones I was good at was the sniper rifle, the pistol, and a revolver. When we got to the sniper rifle and I got bullseye, he was happy that I was good at it since he is the best with the sniper rifle. It was surprisingly really quick that we did all of the weapons and redo them. So Vanoss sat on the ground and looked at the sky. I did the same thing put I just looked down at the ground." Hey Wolfie?" Vanoss said and looked at me." Yeah Vanoss?" I said and looked at him." Why is your brother over protected of you?" He said with a confused look." Well it's because he doesn't want me in danger so he's like that a lot". I said with a depressed look." Aren't you tired of it?" He said still with a confused look." Yeah I do, it's like having a Camera watching you 24/7". I said with a bit angry tone." But why do you care?" I asked raising an eyebrow." No reason". He said and I smirked." Cmon there has to be a reason". I said and went close to him making him blush." No there isn't a reason I swear". He said blushing madly. He wasn't wearing his mask just some sunglasses. It was funny to see him blush like that but he didn't give me a prober answer so I attack him and tickled him." Stop it Wolfie!" He said while laughing but I didn't stop." Ok ok I will tell you!" He said and I stopped. When I stopped, he looked at me and got on top of me and tickled me. I was laughing so hard that he was laughing too." Nice try you devious little thing but I'm the tickle monster here and no one else, understand?" He said still tickling me." Understood". I said and we both laughed. We both stop laughing and both looked at each other in the eyes. We both looked at each other for a few minutes until Vanoss got off of me and laid next to me." S-sorry". He said looking red as ever." It's ok". I said blushing and we both sat up and looked at the sky. Once we looked up at the sky, We heard a car coming in." Looked at those two, their just sitting there being lazy". Wildcat said under his mask." LET'S GET THEM!" Lui yelled and the others got out of the car and started to run. Vanoss and I got up and started to run away.

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