Part 7

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Once me and terroriser was in the kitchen, I saw that he was bright red then he spoke." What do you need to talk about Wolfie?". He said about to hold on to his arm. Then I saw delirious and Blaze behind terroriser  with buckets of water and they brought the others to the dining table to watch." Well I wanted to ask you a question but more like a riddle". I said with a grin." What's the riddle?" He said with a grin." What's soak and wet and clueless?" I said and he was wide open. That when Blaze and delirious dumped both of the buckets of water on terroriser's head." WHAT THE HECK?!?". He yelled out and turned to Blaze and Delirious." THAT'S WHAT YOU GET TERRORISER!" Delirious said while laughing his butt off. The others saw what happened and they were laughing hard including myself. Terroriser went running to his room to get dry clothes with us still laughing." My stomach!". Blaze said laughing and holding his stomach." Ok that was good but you guys have to clean up the kitchen now". Vanoss said"." Ok". Us three said and we started to clean." What did I miss?" A girl came in with a bag of clothes and everyone looked." Hey Mae we just saw the Delirious and the new guys pranked terroriser". Lui said and smiled and she looked at me and Blaze." You guys are the new ones!". She said while we were still cleaning the kitchen." Yeah we are". Blaze said with a smile." I'm Mae and I got some clothes for...what's the name?" She said." It's Wolfie". Nogla said and he points at me." Oh yes Wolfie and I have some clothes for you"." Gee thanks Mae". I said once we finish cleaning and all of us got off the floor." Cmon let's see if they fit". She said and grabbed my hand to take me to my room."let's see what to start with". She said and I looked at her." Let's just start with something simple". She said and I nodded. A few minutes later we check all of the clothes to see if they fit."So what do you think of the clothes?" Mae said looking me and I looked back." I like them Mae thanks". I said with a smile." This could keep you covered until we get you more clothes". She said." I have an idea". She said." What is it?" I asked and she looked at me." The guys are starting to do a movie night right now so let's make you look pretty". She said and I glared at her." I don't think that's a good idea". I said."Cmon Wolfie they will stare at you". She said." That's the thing I don't want them to stare at me." I said feeling embarrassed." Ok but at least let me do something with your hair". She said."Deal". I said and she was smiled. So I took a shower and put on one of the new clothes Mae got which was a white shirt and jeans." You look great Wolfie". She said with a smile." Thanks". I said and came over to her and she brush my hair to look nice." There, now I need one more thing". She said and she walk away to the bag of clothes." What are you?" I said and came back with a pink clip on flower."Hold still". She said as she put the clip on flower in my hair." There perfect". She said gave me a mirror." So what do you think?" She said." It's nice thank you Mae". I said."No problem Wolfie and I think we will be good friends". She said and I nodded." Cmon let's go". Mae said and grabbed my hand.
Wolfie's thought:"I hope they won't stare at me".

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