Part 34

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I watched of how Blaze's friend Fang charges at the last standing wolf named Ace until Fang got shot in the leg and shoulder. Wolfie yelled out Fang and started crying." Say bye bye you weak wolf". Ace said to Wolfie. I couldn't let him killed Wolfie. I was about to step in until something was happening. Wolfie was starting to glow electric purple. Then Ace was flung to the ground and Wolfie was standing. Her eyes weren't red and blue anymore. They were electric purple. She held out her hands and a glowing ball form on her hands. She threw it and it hit Ace in the face. He started to scream bloody scream until it stopped knowing that he was dead. Then Daniel charged at her but Wolfie grabbed him and threw him to the building where there was blood all over when he hit it. She looked over to those other wolves and they smiled. Then she looked at us. We gasped to thinking we were next. She then started to walk to us. When she was right in front of us, she smiled." I missed you guys". She said. That's when Delirious and Terroriser jumped and hugged Wolfie. Then we all did except for Blaze who went to help Fang. We let go of each other and Wolfie looked over to those other wolves and motion them to come. They motion no but she kept telling them to come. They finally decided to come and they walked us. When they were in front of us, they gave Wolfie a smile. They introduced themselves and call themselves Revel Mode, and the ChrisandtheMike team and told us that they know more wolves. These guys actually seems cool. Maybe we can have them as our Allies. Blaze and Fang came back and Fang looked like he was healed. Wolfie hugged them both and Blaze and Fang hugged back tightly." I missed you my little wolf soldier". Fang said and Wolfie giggled. That got me a little in tense but I'll have to get us to that." So I think we should get out of here before any police or something sees us". Jack said and we all nodded until a gun shot happened. We didn't know what happened and no one seems to be hurt until we knew who was shot. Wolfie. She collapsed onto the ground and we all panicked around her. I gun shot came from one of the soldiers still alive. Wildcat decided to kill him and one of Revel Mode's team named Mark joined him. I checked and still heard her heart beating and saw blood on her stomach. She was just unconscious which is good but I'm still scared." She'll be ok guys. Let's just get out of here". Blaze said." Also once Wolfie is awake, she'll explain why she is wearing a watch". Ken said and we all looked at her wrist to a see a really technical watch. I nodded and they ran off to the other direction with their super speed. I picked up Wolfie bridal style and we all went into the van and Fang tagged along too. I let him too because Blaze trust him not to tell about us. The guys were trusting him too but they won't show their faces to him since he seen me and Cartoonz faces. I got into the back of the van and the rest went to sit on the chair seats. I looked down at Wolfie's face and rubbed her cheek with my thumb. I hope your ok Wolfie.

I woke up all scared until I felt a hand on my chest. I turn to see Blaze and Fang sitting next to me." It's ok sis. Calm down". Blaze said." How do you feel?" Fang said." Like I got shot with a bullet". I said ." Yeah but I healed you a bit but you'll still be in a small bit of pain". Blaze said." Oh". I said." I'll go tell everyone she's awake". Fang said and left the room." Are you mad at me?" I said and he tilted his head." Why would I be mad at you?" He said." For leaving the gang". I said." Oh. Sis I know you were scared of what was gonna happen to me but the guys all are there for you. Please listen to me when I tell you to do something?" He said and I nodded. Then suddenly the door swung open to see Mae running to me and hugged me then Fang came in."OMG! Are you ok Wolfie? They told me you got shot!" She said and cried on my shoulder." I'm fine Mae. Please stop crying". I said as I hug back. Then they guys came and hugged me too. That all asked me if I was ok and that I was amazing when I was fighting." Thank you guys". I said and we all let go." Ok everyone! Out!" Blaze said and made them leave our room." Ok now let's see if you can walk". Blaze said and helped me up. I stand up and started to walk. My stomach was hurting me a bit but I was fine." Well you're ok which means you don't have to stay in bed". He said. I nodded in agreement and we stayed in our room talking about things and laughing together like we were like siblings. I wish it can stay like this forever and would be with Blaze and Fang and with the Vanoss Crew. Well I'm home and I better than ever.

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