Part 14

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It's has been a month since me and Wolfie joined the Vanoss crew. They have gotten the the liking to us and so did we. Wolfie and Mae have been spending more time with each other too. They actually showed us their faces and their names. Wildcat was Tyler, Mini was Craig, Nogla was David, Ohm was Ryan, Delirious was Johnathan, Cartoonz was Luke, Basically was Marcel, Terroriser was Brian, Moo was Brock, Droidd was Arlan, and Lui was just Lui. Vanoss showed us his face as well and he allows us to call him Evan now. But I still prefer to call them by their nicknames. We still have been training and me and Wolfie have been getting better and better and Wolfie has been spending time getting to know the guys especially Cartoonz and Vanoss. When we were in the living room just watching Lui and Tyler wrestling with each other, Vanoss came with a big construction paper." Everyone in the dining room!" Vanoss yelled and everyone went into the dining room without their mask on. Vanoss didn't have his mask on either."Ok since everyone is in here let's start the meeting". He said putting the construction paper flat on the table." So tomorrow we are doing a heist and it's to get crate of aid care and weapons from the military since we are running out of supplies". He said. I looked at Wolfie and she looked back at me and we both looked nervous to do that and looked back at Vanoss." So here's the plan, Lui you will fly the military plane we have and Cartoonz, Ohm, Terroriser, and Mini, Nogla distracted the guards, and finally Me, Wildcat, Delirious, Wolfie, and Blaze will grab the crate". He said and I felt so nervous." Any questions?" He said and we all said no." Good". He said until Basically spoke up." Can we order pizza?" He said completely changing the subject." Do you really need to say that in a meeting?" Vanoss said with a angry look." Well EXCUSE ME for being hungry". He said. We all laughed except for Vanoss pinching the top of his nose." Fine I'll order pizza". Vanoss said." Meeting over". Vanoss said walking to order pizza. We all went back to the living room and it stayed silent until it broke out." You guys want to play a game?" Mini asked and we all said yes." Let's played truth or dare". Craig said with a grin." What is this a slumber party?" Wildcat said making everyone laugh." Cmon it will be fun". Mini said making us say fine." Who wants to go first?" Nogla asked." Oo me me me". Lui said in his squeaky voice." Uhh Tyler truth or dare?" Lui asked still with his squeaky voice." Dare!" Wildcat said and a grin." I dare you to go put on Vanoss clothes". Lui said making us laugh." Ok, but if he kills me, I'm blaming my death on you". Wildcat said walk to Vanoss's room." Make sure you don't get caught Tyler". Terroriser said smirking at him." Well since he is doing that who wants to go next?" Lui said." I'll do it". Cartoonz said." Wolfie truth or dare?" He asked Wolfie." Um truth". She said." Do you have a crush on someone?" He said which made Wolfie blush a bit. Once he was asked that, Vanoss came to see what we were doing." What are you guys doing?" Vanoss asked." We are playing truth or dare and I ask Wolfie if she had a crush on someone". Cartoonz said and looked back at Wolfie and so did Vanoss. I could see that Wolfie was scared to say something so she just answered." Maybe, maybe not".Wolfie said looking at Vanoss and Cartoonz which making them turn pink and it disappeared." Ok my turn". Wolfie said." Craig truth or dare?" She asked." Dare". He said." I dare you to go outside and yelled out "I'm the tooth fairy!" She said which made everyone laugh." But before we do that let's see if Tyler is done with his dare". Ohm said." TYLER COME OUT". Nogla said." I'm coming I'm coming!" Wildcat said and he walk into the room wear Vanoss's red with white stripes jacket, and his sunglasses." Look at me, I'm from Canada too and I like maple syrup." He said and everyone laughed except for Vanoss." Why the HECK are you wearing my clothes!" Vanoss said with a grouchy face." Cause it was my dare". Wildcat said and Vanoss just glared at him." Fine fine I'll take them off geez". Wildcat said and he took them and put it back in Vanoss's room and walked back here to tell him Mini's dare. "Ok so here's Mini dared from Wolfie". Lui said and told wildcat the dare." Oh man where's my phone when I need it". Wildcat said still laughing." Cmon let's get this over with". Mini said and we all came outside and Mini was in front of all of us." Well do it". Basically said. Mini sighed and we watched." I'M THE TOOTH FAIRY!" Mini yelled and all the people looked at him and we all started to laugh our heads off." Let's get back in". Mini said face down. We all went back inside and Vanoss went to get the pizza." Let's get back to the game". I said." Hold on I have a question for Wolfie". Cartoonz said looking at Wolfie." Is the person you have a crush on lives here?" Cartoonz said smirking at her." Why does it matter?" She said back." Just curiosity". He said and I was looking at him and I could tell that he has a crush on her just from his voice." You'll never know". She said. " Mysterious, I like that". He said. Then the door open and it was Vanoss with the food." I got the food guys". Vanoss said and placing the food on the table. We all ate and we chatted about video games." Well I'm tired I'm going to sleep". I said and so did Wolfie." Ok you two, good night"
Vanoss said and we both went to our room." Hey sis?" I said and she looked at me." Yeah?" She said back." Is what your saying about that crush you have is true?" I asked and she backed." I told Cartoonz this and I will tell you too". She said." You will never know". She said and I just rolled my eyes. We both got ready for bed and got into our beds." Night Blaze". Wolfie said with a sweet smile." Night sis". I said and we both went to sleep.

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