Part 9

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When the movie was over, the guys started to ask me and Wolfie some questions. Of course Wolfie was the sweet and nice one so she said a kind answer but as for me I just a normal answer. But in the middle of the movie, Cartoonz put his arm on Wolfie. I couldn't help but to get angry so I glare at him to get his arm off of her. So he did and he looked back at the movie. But once I went to look back at the movie, I saw that Vanoss was looking straight at Wolfie and she was doing the same. It was dark but I could see that Vanoss was blushing. I got angry and I ask Vanoss to follow me to the kitchen to talk in private.( I'm not typing that whole thing again so yeah-lps insanity). Once I was done with the conversation I left Vanoss in the kitchen with a angry look on his face. But I didn't care if he was mad or not he shouldn't be trying to be like that with Wolfie. Vanoss came back and sat back down at the couch looking at me and then looking back at the movie. What happened during the movie did not had me happy. Once it was over with all of the questions, Vanoss left the room to go to sleep. Everyone else nodded and they left to their rooms as well leaving me and Wolfie alone in the living room." Listen Wolfie, I saw what you and Vanoss was doing and I don't like that". I said with a bit of angry look." So what Blaze we were just-". She said and I cut her off." We were just nothing, look I'm only trying to protect you". I said and she had angry face herself." I can take care of myself Blaze, I don't need you checking on me 24/7!" She said with a angry tone. I looked away and she walked to me and put her arms around me and I looked at her." Blaze don't worry, I will be fine, we were just playing around". She said with a sweet and calming voice." Ok then but we should go to sleep". I said and she nodded and we both walked to our room and we got in our beds." Good night Blaze". Wolfie said in a tired voice." Night sis". I said and we both fell asleep.

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