Part 20

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Me and Fang were talking so much that I didn't even realize I was with my friends." Fang I should really get back to my friends". I said and he grabbed my hand." Wait can I at least let me talk to you in the hallway". He said." Ok but I really need to be with them". I said and he grabbed my hand and took me to the hallway." What do you need to talk about?" I asked and he looked at me." I want to say that-". He said also about to blush and looked away." Go on". I said looking confused." I sort of, maybe, kinda,". He said." Say it!" I said and he looked at me." I like you ok!" He said and I was surprised." Y-y-you like me?" I said and he nodded. He lean to me and kissed me on my cheek." I need to go to the bathroom". I said and ran into the bathroom.
Wolfie's thought:"Did he really just-. What do I do now?"

Why?! Why the heck did I do that?! I got her embarrassed. Why do I get myself into this kinda situations? Well I should wait until she is done." HEY!" A voice said down the hall. I turned around to see Wolfie's leader and one of his friends." Oh it's you". I said and he gave me a angry look." We saw everything, I not letting you take Wolfie away from me". The red suit guy said." Same goes for me". The guy wearing a red hoodie said." And what makes you think she likes you humans?" I said with a smirk." What makes you think she likes you?" The red suit guy said and I realized who they were. The red suit guy was Vanoss, the leader of the Vanoss crew and his friend was Cartoonz, the mysterious person and I smirked at them." Well because I known her more than you and I'm with her a lot". I said having my chin up." Besides, why would she like....dangerous criminals who has nothing better to do than to do heists". I said and they were shocked." You know about us?" He said." Of course I do. You are just a bunch of idiots, stealing from people and then killing them. Your a bad influence on Wolfie. Even though she and Blaze stole things, but they do that for survival". I said and they got angry. Vanoss went for a punch and he punched me on the nose. I started to bleed and I looked at him and I threw a punch and hit him on the mouth which made him bleed. His friend ran and tried to throw a punch as well and so did Vanoss. But I blocked both of their punches and kneed them in the stomach." You hit like a baby". Cartoonz said hitting my in the face." You punch like a baby". I said hitting him in the eye. There was a lot of blood on the floor but we didn't really notice. I threw another punch, this time at his neck. He blocked and hit me in the chest. We were fighting really loud that I didn't realize that Wolfie came out of the bathroom and ran out of the hallway." You will regret that". I said hitting him in the stomach. Then I stepped away from them to get air." Get your tail over here I could rip it off you". Vanoss said." Sorry, but aleast I'm stronger than you". I said. He ran to me and tried to hit me again but I blocked. He threw another punch and hit me in the stomach.
Fang's thought:" Things are going to get messy".

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