Part 2

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As soon as Blaze threw the bag of money to me, he told me to split up with him. When we split up, that group of people split themselves up too. I hoped and prayed that Blaze got away from that other half of the group of men. I looked behind me and there were four men running after me. I looked front and used my super speed and took a left and the men didn't see where I ran off to. I stopped using my super speed because I was at a dead end. I felt like I was going to die because the four men were going in my direction. But then I got an idea, I put the bag in my mouth and I used my claws to climb a small pawn shop that was next to me. Once I got all the way to the top with the money, I saw the four men at the dead end." Are you serious?"" How did she escape?". One man said wearing a light blue hoodie and a hockey mask." I saw her shadow, I was sure she was here". Other man said wearing a leather jacket and wearing shades that I could barely see his eyes."Quiet you two, we'll find her".
A third man said wearing a owl mask. "Yes sir!" The two arguing men said.
Wolfie Thought: "So, I'm thinking that the one with the owl mask is the leader of the group".
One of the man looked up to the sky and notice me on the pawn shop.
"Look, there she is!" The man wearing a bandanna and shades. They all look up and saw me. The one in the hockey mask yelled out"GIVE US THE MONEY BACK!" I shook my head no and he got angry. But for some reason the man with the owl mask looked impressed. The man in the owl mask yelled out"WHAT YOUR NAME GIRL!"."WHY?". I yelled back."JUST CURIOUS!". He yelled back. My throat was starting to hurt so I yelled one more time."LOOK, I'M COMING DOWN, JUST PLEASE DON'T TACKLE ME". The owl mask nodded to me and had his friends step back behind him. I grabbed hold of the bag of money and used my claws to climb down in front of the paws shop in front of the four men."Great let's get her!". The guy in the hockey masked said. I took step back until the man in the owl mask stopped him." Delirious not right now". He said and looked back at me." Like I was saying, what's your name?" He asked me again and I swallowed hard."I-I-I'm Wolfie ". I said shaking up. "WHY DID YOU STEAL OUR MONEY!". Yelled the man wearing a leather jacket and shades."It was for me and my brother". I answered. "You could have gone somewhere else to steal money!". The man with a hockey mask said with a angry tone." We are there first." I said to the him. The owl man went between me and the hockey mask man."Enough let's get this straight back home, but for right now-. The owl mask man hit me on the head knocking me out."Cmon let's go guys". The owl mask man said and grabbed me and the bag of money."Wait we are taking her?". Said the man wear a bandanna and shades."Yeah we need more answers from both of them"."Both?"."Yes because Wildcat text me that him and the others brung the other one to the hide out". The four men walk and got into their vehicle and drove off.

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