Forging Fires(Izak)

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I felt hurt, as I was just beginning to think of him as a friend. I ran up and told them how he was acting. Kaiti began to storm down before I even told her. From the top of the hill I watched them fight and somehow knew how it was going to end. I ran down and grabbed Kaiti before she fell, Merlin on her other side. We laid her down and started seeing what was done. From the corner of my eye I watched Cai saunter off into the forest. I began to get up and chase after him, but Merlin held me back. Realizing Kaiti needed me to help her and not be rash, I sat down and started seeing what was wrong.

"It looks like she is, like, way too tired"

"What can we do? I can't loose her!" Right after the words left my mouth I realized something. I do love her, even if I don't know who I am. My heart ached to the thinking that I didn't realize my love until she was almost dead. Knowing I had to do something, I placed my hand on her heart. It began pumping when I felt incredibly tired. I fell down beside her, both of us clinging to consciousness. Merlin noticed and carefully repeated what I had done. I felt some energy return to my limbs, and sat up along with Kaiti. Merlin collapsed, but seemed to be around where we were at with energy. I fell asleep, not enough energy to keep me awake, just alive.

It was high noon when I woke. I looked to my side and everyone was already awake, but me and Merlin were barely moving. Kaiti was by the stream. I tried calling to her, but my tongue was impossibly large. I tried to sit up so she would notice me, but I cold barely get up and my head spun. Merlin seemed to be having similar problems. I was able to make a guttural noise, but my voice was to dry and scratchy to do anything else. She notices and turned around. She immediately saw the pain in my eyes. She rushed over, almost a sprint. As she got closer I couldn't tell if she was causing my heart to palpitate, or if it was the obvious state of illness I was in. She felt my head and jumped back, dropping my head in the process. I tried telling her all my symptoms, but it came out as "Die tone, feêr, n wekes". She grabbed my arm and realized that the skin was really dry. It was weird, feeling my skin so dry. She started pulling my skin outward and watched in sink back to position. Very slowly. Her face lit up with realization. I wondered what she came up with when an orb of water was at my lips. It felt so good to feel the water go down my throat, removing my symptoms on my way. Me and Merlin must have had dehydration. I watched her do the same to Merlin, then helped us to the stream. Suspending water must have taken a lot of energy to do. When I didn't feel so thirsty, I went over to check on Kaiti. She was okay and I laid down next to her. In the distance we heard Merlin fall into the river, and we laughed.

We sat there for several minutes, just looking up at the sky. I turned on my side, and she saw and copied the movement, facing me directly. 

"So, do you remember anything from when you were de-energized?"

"I remember some, but I think that there are a few gaps. I remember how you saved me though" My heart skipped a beat when she said that. Two almost fatal accidents and yet I was scared of what could happen. Deciding it was time to give in, I asked her.

"Would you still be willing to...go out with me?"

"Yes, I would love that" Then, she smiled. I returned to laying on my back, but this time I was holding her hand. She scooted in a little closer and we stayed that way for hours, until our stomachs grumbled loud enough to wake the dead. The sky was beautiful as we walked up the little slope, pink and orange highlighting the horizon in a fantastic way. Merlin had already made dinner and went to bed, so we sat in front of the fire, laughing and eating.

"So, when I was younger my parents sent me away to summer camp, and I had to stay away for two weeks. I had a roommate, Chirl, and one day he dared me to jump into the marsh. For some reason, the camp had decided and marsh was better than a lake for a summer camp. I jumped in, and when I came out I was covered in algae. They called me Bog Monster for the rest of the time. Now, you spill something about you." I barely made out over the laughing. We had gone on telling stories to each other.

"Well, when I was seven my sister was absolutely horrid to me. She would always take my things, and I hated it. She was one year older than me, and thought she was so much better for the short period of time. Our parents never believed that she was lying and that so much was her fault. That is, until I decided against it. I saved all my money for some 'prank' stuff and rigged it for a...trap. I had voice moniters hidden in her room, and prepared ways to get her into trouble. I walked into her room, asking her about her latest stunt that my parents hadn't found yet. She smartly told every little detail about it, and why she did it. She thought she was untouchable. From that day on, my parents always trusted me because she couldn't be trusted to keep her word." We decided to go to bed, but after we finished laughing. We went to bed with a very merry mood.

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