(Kaiti) Potato Chips Here, Potato Chips There

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I used my power to wash away the vomit, but my mind stayed in a very different area. Something Izak said echoed through my head, telling me we should be getting ready. The water quickly evaporated and I went to my hollow to read the book from Lily.

A long time ago, humans and elementals lived in perfect harmony. Until Dreadsheet. He ruled with an ironfist, using elementals as tools to get what he wanted. Their power soon became despised. Eventually, this was all stopped. To prevent this from happening again, all countries were forced to sign a treaty; that all elementals were to be hidden. They must never arise again. Soon after this occurred and elementals were forced into hiding, the earth started dying. The humans refused to believe that elementals caused it, and most didn't remember. This book was created by the earth to aide in the ones who will return Elementals.

I flipped through the rest of the book, finding magic artifacts and other Elemental related topics. I was closing the book for bed when I noticed something; the page I landed on was a glowing green rock, like the one in the cave. A chill crawled up my spine as I read the print underneath it.

This stone amplifies the power of the Elemental in possession, but at a terrible cost. The user will be changed into pure energy during use, allowing only one moment of pure power. The elemental will be sacrificed in honor of the stone, and surrounding areas.

I put the book down and fell asleep, while I had thoughts of maybe using the stone to win the fight. Willingly, I would do it to save others.


I woke up to the room being freezing cold. I rolled over and pulled the leaf blanket farther on me.

"Wake up, Lily says she needs you" I flipped over to find Aubrey standing by my bed, her eyes swollen like she was crying. I got up and came out. Aloe and Lily were standing there, a happy look on their faces.

"It's Aloe's day off, so he went shopping with his paycheck!" Lily basically shouted. Out of plastic bags came some meat that we could store now with Aubrey, and then things got exciting. First, she pulled out a bag of potato chips, which I grabbed immediately. I love those things. She then pulled out several toys for Oliver, some clothes for us all, and some blankets and other necessities. I took my stuff to my room, and then carefully hid my potato chips. I then ran off to work on building a storehouse so if we needed anything while another was gone, we could have it.

I came back with the storehouse almost finished, but my stomach forced me to come back. Supper wasn't cooked yet and I didn't feel like waiting or cooking, so I scrambled away quickly to grab my potato chips. I came into my room, and noticed a brown haired girl standing there. She looked model-worthy, but I barely noticed because she was eating my potato chips. I walked up to her and grabbed them from her. She jumped, and then disappeared. A sharp pain in my back told me where she went, and what she was doing. I turned around to face her and saw nothing. My bag of potato chips lay there half-eaten, the only sign she was ever there. I felt another hit from my back, forcing me to the ground. Tennis shoes pinned me to the ground.

"I'm going to let you up, but then I'm leaving. With the chips." The girl disappeared once again, leaving my head free to get up. I watched her blink into existence, and forced the water in her blood to run to her head. They carried the blood with it and made her pass out. I grabbed my chips and waited until she woke up, but not before using a technique from the book. Her arms were tied around her back, and her eyes covered, not letting her use her element.


I watched her for hours, not allowing her out of my sight. Lily and Aloe were obviously making something in the main hollow, and Oliver was out in the field. Anna and Aubrey were off doing something, so no one bothered me. I was about to leave and grab dinner when she woke back up.

"Finally, you were out forever." I watched as she tried using her power, and the sudden shock of not being able too. I started circling her, intimidating her.

"Why were you eating MY potato chips? I own them. They were MY reward." She started wiggling, trying to escape, but I knew my knots. Never thought I would love girl scouts so much. She then started to smile and a "klunk" filled the room. A knife lay beside her, along with the rope. She moved her hands and found herself able to teleport again. I tried tackling her, but she was already gone. I turned around, remembering her trick from before. She looked surprised and I froze her hand. She gasped as frost traveled up her arm, stopping her power. Her atoms couldn't reach fast enough speed to teleport when they were frozen. I hit her, forcing her to kneel over. She looked up at me, her face pleading for forgiveness. I grabbed her arm and froze it again, her attempts to teleport melting it at an accelerated rate.

"Why? I just want to know? Do you need help? We can help. Obviously we're like you." She looked like I had slapped her, although I kinda did.

"I just need food." Her voice cracked, and I felt sorry for her. I went and grabbed some food, telling her I'll be right back. As soon as I came out, all I saw was nothing. She left, not even thanking me. I'll catch her sooner or later. I left to go talk to them and tell them. Too bad, she could have been useful.

In a dark corner laid a small chameleon. The tongue flickered out as Kaiti left, and quickly grew into a brunette girl. She sat down and started reading the open book, keeping an eye out for any residents.

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