Three teenagers must brave a new world thrown on them as they discover secrets about themselves and everything they ever thought was true.
Dedicated to: Isaac and Kaiti, My Best Friends also dedicated to Juliana, My friend and proofreader, and Aub...
I woke up to the sun gleaming over the horizon. I swept my hand through my hair, too late realizing it was sticky from the s'mores. I pulled my hand out of my hair, but it was too late. To that wonderful waking, I lifted myself off the ground. I looked around where I slept. I swept away the debris that wasn't there yesterday. I kept watch behind me so no one would notice. I had no idea why, whenever I woke up, anything that was alive around me had withered and died. Every time someone had even moved I flinched, working my task of hiding it. Eventually I finished and walked down to the nearby stream.
"Are you okay? We are serving breakfast if you want any...." I turned around to see Merlin standing on a rock. Although I wanted to continue sit there, I didn't want to harm the bubbly expression on his face.
"I'll be up in a min, just need to get up" HIs smile widened, showing me I better be quick about it. I walked up the hill, dreading what I might find.
"There he is, where have you been? Why couldn't you have just stayed with us? Or at least tell us instead of worrying us!" I was drowned in by a high pitch voice. If only I had Kaiti-proof earbuds.
"I was just by the river, now what do we need to talk about?"
"Ok, so first, we need to get started on a real base, not just some supports slapped together. I also think we should send one of us to start 'scouting' missions. If we can save more of us, we need to look for them. Also, Merlin has discovered something about his power." Our attention shifted, causing him to fluster under our glances.
"I learned I can change what is in the air, like molecule level. We wear fighting a fire.."His face sort of flushed and he looked over at Kaiti "... and I kind of put it out. I forced the oxygen out of the air." Izak began clapping, but I couldn't help but worry. What could I find about my power? What if I did what had happened before?
****Earlier At The House****
I continued laying in my bed, him figuring I wasn't healthy to move yet. I was playing with my power and staring out of my open door. What was supposed to be a happy themed room soon became my prison. Catching my thoughts turn dark, I brightened them. I'm going to see his dog, Morano. I closed my eyes, feeling as if he was taking forever. I heard the door creak and smiled as he brought the dog in. The brown little fluff ball seemed to shake with cuteness. I was petting his head when I felt a surge. Worried I hurt the dog, I screamed and tried resuscitating him. I looked into his eyes, but they were not shocked as anything should with the voltage I send on accident. I moved, but realized I had moved. I felt so full of energy, not like I just let out sparks of energy. I picked the dog up and saw it in a increased stated of decomposition. The guy, Kirel, grabbed his dog and began to cry at the lack of body heat. Knowing full well I had something to do with the dead and quickly decomposing dog, I focused on reversing whatever I was I had done. The pain in my body returned, but I heard a bark. I looked up and he was awake again, fully composed. Kirel looked at me, horror sprayed on his face. He backed off, mumbling about satan in a slavic accent that wasn't there before. I reached up to grab him from running off when I collapsed. Guessing it was easier to do what I had done that reversing it, I yelled his name.
He came back after several hours, then let me start explaining. He calmed down, but was still tedious around me.
****Back To Present****
Izak began to speak up, talking about a suspicion of everyone having weaknesses. I quit caring, just sitting there so no one worried about me. Afterwards, everyone else gathered around the fire, but I went to sit by the water. I looked over at the fish, hoping that I could use my power and discover an insight onto my new...ability. I felt energy flow though my system, alerting me it worked. The fish laid beside me, skin beginning to decompose. I cried at the thought of what I was doing, but my power continued to work. I came to the realization that I was drawing energy from it, but how? and why? I looked at the pile of bones, and tried to return it to normal. Having no material to grab onto seemed to make my powers useless. I slapped them, scattering them in multiple directions. I began to pick up so I could leave, but then Izak commented behind me.
"So, that was why you were so quiet on the way home. You could have told me, I can keep a secret." Which opened a crevice in my heart.
"How would I know that, I've known you for maybe a week! I don't know you, so don't act like you know me. We are nothing alike! You want to know my secrets? Well too bad, because I don't know you and don't want to! Just get away from me!" I felt my anger and worry drain into those words, my words echoing both mentally and physically. He turned around, his tear ducts visibly swelling. I had hurt him, so much that it was like being slapped. I couldn't help but smile as he ran up the small hill to the camp. I began to walk away when a wall of water erupts around me. Kaiti walked though it, right in front of me.
"I don't care if you are going through things, or if you don't want company, but no one talks to another human being like that!" Looking in her eyes, I saw her usual calming expression erupt into pure fury. I walked out of the ring of water, somehow knowing that it would fall around me and give me a surge of energy.
A/N Just a laugh. Vote, comment, and share! Thank You For Reading!
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