제1장 (Chapt.1)

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< Kim Jaehyun's pov >

I walked through the hallways in school towards my locker to collect some things before I meet Taehi in class.

I closed my locker and accidentally dropped one of my notebooks. I was about to pick them up when someone decided to walk on it.

"Hey watch where you're going! What the hell!?" I purposely said it loudly for that asshole to hear. I looked up and saw a boy, same cohort as me because I'm pretty sure I saw him at orientation. Gosh I hope he won't be in any of my class this year.

I stood up, dusting off my notebook.

"Tsk, do you expect me to set up a funeral for your notebook?" he replied and not to mention RUDELY while rolling his eyes, then he walked away. "Asshole" I muttered under my breath.

I went in the classroom and walked towards Taehi and ranted to her about what happened. All she could do was sigh, she knows what boys are like once they're a senior. Trust me, her brother was the same.

"Anyway, that boy you were talking about, what's his name?" Taehi said while fixing her blazer. I shrugged. Damn I should've see his nametag and put his name on my death note.

"Like I always say Taehi, don't know, don't care. Now let's go I wanna eat. There's beef stew."

Both of us queued up for food and I let Taehi go first because I'll take a long time to decide on the side dishes. She went ahead to find a seat while I was taking my utensils. I turned around to went back in line but bumped into someone that made me drop the metal utensils. It was lucky the cafeteria was noisy.

I groaned and looked up to the person.

"Ugh. You again?"

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