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MinSuga : Hey check out my new hair! Looking fresh like a salad huh?

MinSuga : Hey check out my new hair! Looking fresh like a salad huh?

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Jaehyun : Oh my god what's up with you guys and blonde hair?

Minsuga : You guys?

I looked at Jimin. "Um babe, can uh, Yoongi come over?" I asked. He turned to me. I thought he would say no but, "Sure, I miss that jerk." 

The door bell rang and the first facial expression on Yoongi

"So, what's with 'you guys'," Yoongi came in and put down his coat

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"So, what's with 'you guys'," Yoongi came in and put down his coat. I smiled brightly at him.

"Jimin is here! Look at his hair! You guys can be a couple." I touched Yoongi's hair and Jimin's. I thought Yoongi would be excited when he sees Jimin but he didn't react at all.

< Yoongi's pov >

I went over to Jaehyun's house. She opened up the door and I walked in.

There was newspaper on the floor with blonde dye. If she dyed her hair, wouldn't it be blonde?

"Jimin is here! Look at his hair! You guys can be a couple," she touched my hair and touched 'Jimin's' hair.

I got silent for a moment. I got so confused. Jaehyun was smiling ever so brightly but the problem is,

There's no one in the house other than the two of us.


A/n : super short chapter guys sorry ive been so sooo busy!!!! With sch🙄 I PROMISE AFTER MY EXAMS ARE DONE I'LL UPDATE OK LOVELIES!!

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