제9장 (Chapt.9)

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I woke up at 7am because my alarm was ringing. I turned it off and went back to sleep. Wait I'm on my bed. How did I get here? Didn't I- oh wait I probably fell asleep while Yoongi was carrying me. 

I wanted to go back to sleep but then I remembered what he said before I dozed off. He knew me before the incident? How? Who was I to him? I just had to sleep when he was about to say it didn't I?

I was facing the window so that I didn't have to face Yoongi.

"Wake up honey you have dance training today." I could hear Yoongi saying it when I was just about to be fully asleep.

I have training today?

I checked my phone to see what day it was.

7.12 , Monday
Reminder : Dance training , 8am

I groaned and dragged myself out of the bed. I was too lazy to ask Yoongi how he knew I had training today. Maybe one of his friends is in the same class as me.

I cleaned up, got dressed and packed my stuff and was about to leave when Yoongi called me. He was still looking at his phone while I'm literally right beside him.

"What. I only have five minutes to get to the dance studio so hurry up," I whined. He pointed to his cheeks.

I continued giving him a blank stare. He turned to look at me.

"Give me a peck you idiot," he knitted his eyebrows. I laughed out of disbelief.

"Oh my god Min Yoongi it was just a dare an-"

"And you have to do it. Like you said. It's a dare. Now, a peck," he continued tapping on his cheek. Are you serious?

"In your dreams. See ya later sucker."

I walked out of the room leaving him.

I made my way to the dance studio to see everyone warming up and saw Hoseok and Jimin. Omg they were dancers?

I gave them a really awkward smile because I feel bad. Like it's my fault that I don't know them because I don't interact much with the others and I don't even know they existed there. Was it puberty that happened to them? At least Jimin knew me.

We decided to have a dance cypher together as seniors only.

Hoseok turned on a song called "Tony Montana" by some rapper called Agust D. 

"Hey you know this song, your boyfriend rapped it." Jimin said. He did? Well I actually kinda like the song because it was my type of music. 

"Wow really?" I asked. He nodded.

"You know~ he's even planning to write a song for you." Jimin told me. Then he said it was supposed to be a secret but he sure have a big mouth.

I went back to the dorm and Yoongi wasn't back. I literally dropped everything I lied down on my bed.

I downloaded Yoongi's song and started playing it while bobbing my head.

"Ooo so you like my song?"

I looked around and there wasn't anyone in the room.


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