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< Yoongi's pov >

Namjoon and I decided it was best to send Jaehyun to counselling, to make her feel better. It's for the best. She's find out what her problems are and the counsellor will try his or her best to solve it.

We came in the room, greeted by a young woman, probably in her late 20s, Ms. Kim Youngjin. Wow she's so young. Apparently, we can accompany Jaehyun in the room, for some reason.

"Counsellor, now that I know Jimin is gone, who do you think send me those letters and paper cranes? What could it be?" Jaehyun shot her with questions. She just smiled.

"Jaehyun, have you been folding paper cranes? While thinking of Jimin?"

She nodded.

"Then have you been like, writing about him in a paper or diary?"

She nodded.

"That's easy. Ever since Jimin's loss, your mind became unstable, you can't think straight because you just lost the one you love. So as you did those cranes and write those letters, you somehow missed him and you imagine him giving you those and you aren't even aware that you're doing it yourself."

"Wow, I-uh." Jaehyun let out a little laugh, then tears started filling in her eyes. Ms.Kim handed her some tissues while remaining quiet.

Jaehyun's little sobs turned into a huge massive crying.

"I miss him so much, I miss him," she repeated those words over and over again. After about two minutes, Ms.Kim finally spoke up.

"Jaehyun, you shouldn't cry. Instead you should be happy and accept that he's in a better place now. And Jimin wouldn't want you to be crying over him for all your life. He probably wants you to move on and forget about him. You have a whole life ahead of you that's so precious and he wants you to cherish it because he can't cherish his."

Jaehyun's crying died slowly. She smiled, "Thank you so much Ms.Kim, you really opened my eyes. I see now, thank you," she shooked her hand and walked out.

I smiled seeing Jaehyun being back again.

She's the same old cheerful, sarcastic, bratty Jaehyun I know after that counselling.

I turned to Namjoon,

"Buddy, we did the right thing."


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