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"Can you love me?" 

He looked me deeply in the eyes.

"Look, I don't want you to just use me to forget Yoongi. But I want you to forget Yoongi, and then start dating me for real," he held my hands, it felt warm. A lot went through my mind when he said that.

"Give me a chance, please?" Well, sooner or later, I will have to forget Yoongi. He too haven't been even contacting me or making me feel like I exist.

I smiled. "Sure," I can see the light that sparked in his eyes when I said that. Wow, he really likes me.

The next day, Jimin, being the excited person he is, dragged me around to do what couples usually do. 

We went to eat street snacks and received compliments from every cart saying how good we look together. Of course Jimin was super happy. Somehow, butterflies starts to be in my stomach whenever I'm with him now. Am I really beginning to love him?

I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise we reached our destination. It's Jimin's very own dance studio. Since we're both dancers, we decided to come up with a choreography to the song 'Shape of you' by Ed Sheeran. [ a/n 12032021 : OUT OF ALL THE SONGS I HAD TO PICK THIS- ]

"Hey, let's dance to this at our wedding, it'll be nice!" Jimin said while wrapping his hands around me. 

"It's only our first day that we're officially dating and you're already talking about marriage?" I raised my eyebrows and that boy nodded. He he goes on and on about how many kids he want, what names he want to give them, where he want to live, how does he plan his future when I can't even plan what to eat for dinner?

 I couldn't change my room so I was still stuck with Yoongi. The whole time, it was awkward. We didn't talk, we didn't look at each other although sometimes, I can see him trying to talk to me but decided not to.

"JAEHYUNAHH!!!!" Jimin yelled as he ran to me in the hallways. 

"Jimin everyone is staring," I whisper shouted.

He bend down to catch his breath. After which it seems like forever, he got up.

"Am I too beautiful that I took your breath away," I flipped my hair, well jokingly. He shooked his head. 

"Oh no not a Seokjin 2.0. Wake up Jaehyun." He shooked me by the shoulders.

"Anyways, let's collaborate, since the rules changed. We can dance to Shape Of You. Let's practice after this. The showcase is like in a month but we have to enhance it and make it perfect ok?" He did the 'ok' sign with his fingers. I nodded my head.

Well little did I know, Yoongi was actually nearby, listening to our conversation.

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