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< Yoongi's pov >

It was a brand new day.

A new month, a new beginning. I wanted to start afresh so I decided to move to America. Why America? It's far from Korea and I don't know anyone there, which means I will literally start afresh.

I told my members and they threw me a farewell party. All my schoolmates, even in high school, well not all though only 6 came. The wished me the best in life and hoped to visit me someday when they earn enough money.

I told Jaehyun I was moving and she gave the warmest hug. She said she owe me and Namjoon as we helped her to get her back up on her feet. She wished me the best in everything.

I went to the airport alone, I told them that I didn't want anyone to come, and they didn't. I didn't want it to be those typical farewells where you cry in the airport and hug each other. I wanted it to be like as if I'm on a trip.

Here's to a brand new life.

I sat on the airplane and my phone vibrated. I unlocked it and got a text message from Jaehyun.

Jaehyun :

I hope you'll have a peaceful life in America. And once again, thank you for everything you've done. I felt indebted to you.
And Thank you, thank you for loving me all this time when I couldn't. I hope you'll find someone who's a much more better person than I am.
I wish you all the best in your life.

I didn't know what to reply. So I just said 'Thank you'. Well, those two words are meaningful. And somehow, her text message didn't made me feel troubled, instead, I'm relieved. I'm happy now that things are all clear. I felt like the burden have been lifted off my shoulders. But damn she knew I still loved when she's with Jimin.

Anyway, I'm thankful to her that I get to experience things in life. Getting in a fight with my friend, loving someone who you know you can't have and also, starting afresh.

And Jimin, you know I love you? I hope we'll meet again someday. I miss you so fucking much.

I then realised, you don't cry about something just because it's over, but smile because it happened. And I smiled. It was all a one big memory for me.

And now, I dare you to smile at whatever happens in life. The good or the bad, just smile your way through and trust me, you'll get there. I believe in you.


A/n :
OH MY GOD IT'S DONE IT IS ACTUALLY DONE!! Thank you for supporting this book a latte😫😉 I love you all so much. You see, I didn't want Yoongi to end up w Jaehyun bc yall gotta know you can't just have everything you want in life. Sometimes you have to let go, move on and start afresh. I HOPE YALL LIKED THIS BOOK MY LOVELIES💖💖😫

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