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< Min Yoongi's pov. >

Kim Jaehyun, I liked her. No, I loved her.

I love it how she's sarcastic
I love it how sassy she can be
I love it when she gets angry
I love it when she smiles
I love it when she's hungry
I love it when she talks
I love it when she dances
I love it when she would just plop herself on the bed
I love it when she's being herself

I love her.

But years passed, things happen, people change.

After we broke up, she found another lover, I couldn't be angry about it, Jimin liked her in the first place. I wish I didn't even accepted the dare so that she and I can remain as roommates.

I've been an asshole, betraying Jimin and breaking her heart. I know it happened years ago and I should forget it, but it's stained in my heart.

Now, Jaehyun isn't the same person as she was before. She grew up, became more mature and hopefully she can go back to be emotionally stable.

She's still healing from her trauma. She gets better everyday through songwriting and yoga. I helped her with the songwriting too because I didn't want her to feel alone.

Today I met her. We wrote a song called 'If I get drunk today'.

I think I'm a bit drunk today
Even if I call out to you with a locked voice
Pretend you didn't notice and just go

Both Jaehyun and I can relate to this. I want to get over her, she's been too long, stuck in my mind and I'm probably not in hers. I'm wasting my time. I know that, maybe just writing it down in a song would help.

Both of us finished the song in 6 hours and recorded it. Jaehyun, well she turned out to have a sweet voice. I've never really heard her sing properly but now I did.

We recorded the song and uploaded it on soundcloud for memories sake, in case the computer crashes and there's no backup.

We went our separate ways after that. I didn't know what to feel while walking home.
I silently look up at the sky filled with stars and a bright full moon.

I talked to the moon on that night. Wishing upon a star. Hoping everything will get better, will be better. And I shall forget everything and live a normal life until I find my soulmate. But if I didn't it's fine too.

I drifted in my sleep. God i love sleep.


A/n : if i get drunk today is such a good ass song i like it

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