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< Min yoongi's pov >

Apparently, Jimin's parents had buried his ashes and grew it into a tree. Namjoon took a picture of it and well, it wasn't a big tree. It was short, like Jimin, dammit yoongi you savage piece of shit, but yes, short. Plus it hasn't been that long for it to grow tall.

"Jaehyun, are you done yet, I'm taking you somewhere!" I yelled in her living room. She ran out of her room and I observed her face, her eyebags are worse, has she not been sleeping? What has she been doing?

I sighed and took her hand and head to Namjoon's car.

The whole ride was filled with silence, neither of us know what to talk about, and I plugged in my headphones to listen to some music. After about an hour, we arrived.

We took Jaehyun to Jimin's tree. It had a signboard in front of it stating his name, birthdate, the date that he died and a small portrait of him.

"Jaehyun, this is Jimin. He's really gone, it's fine because he's living in another life, as a tree apparently," I looked at the tree, then looked at Jaehyun to see her reaction.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she shook her head. Namjoon rubbed his hands in his face and took Jaehyun's hand to bring her closer to read the signboard.

 "See?" He pointed out.

"You're lying, I saw him every day, and last night we stayed up together to play uno," she became defensive. 

"Jaehyun listen, you're hallucinating okay? You're probably imagining all of this because you missed him too much, and the fact that you and 'jimin' stayed up together? You know that he always want you to sleep early. Jimin is gone Jaehyun, he's gone," I explained to her.

Tears began to fill her eyes. She lifted her hands to touch Jimin's portrait.

"Jimin-ah, is that true? Is what they're saying true? Tell me! What were those letters on my doorstep and paper cranes? Was that you or was that your devil? I remembered there was one time you said if you died when we're old, I should always look out for a blue butterfly, so that I know it's you and you're looking out for me, so can you appear now?" She sobbed.

It wasn't minutes after a blue butterfly landed on her hand. Even I was surprised.

Jaehyun smiled, while crying. "You're here," she spoke to the butterfly. 

"Hold on, but what about those paper cranes and notes?"

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