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I was thinking about what Jungkook said day and night. Well technically night because it happened around 9.00.

"Jagi, I know what you're thinking about. Don't think too much. Get some rest and sleep. We're going to graduate in weeks time, just try and relax," Jimin said in his husky voice. I was embraced in his arms in bed because well, we are too exhausted to do anything. We talked about what we were going to do after high school ends and our plan is actually pretty similar. Get into a university and work under the arts and entertainment industry.

[ 3 years later ]

Seoul Arts University. I love it. What's best? Jimin got in too. Out of all the freshmens, the only person I know was Jimin.

"One more year, and we can get married. But university is kind of fun. I don't mind staying longer but at the same time, I couldn't wait to get married to you," he pouted at his last sentence. I smiled and gave him a peck on the cheek.

It was time to go home but I went ahead first because Jimin said he had to drop by his parents' house all the way in Busan because his mum wanted him to take two jars of homemade fermented Kimchi that she made. I wanted to come but he insisted me on staying home. So I didn't argue and listened to him.

"Honey I'm going now!! Take care of the house while I leave okay? I'll miss you," he hugged me tight. "I'll still see you later silly," I looked at him. He gave me a long kiss and bid goodbye.

I was bored to death being alone but my phone suddenly rang, it was Jimin.

"Jagi!!" I said with a cheery voice.

"Hello? Is this Kim Jaehyun-ssi?" Who is this? "Yes that's me."

"Well this is Ms Nam Hyun woo, calling from Seoul hospital. I had to contact the person on his speed dial and this is regarding Park Jimin."

I listened carefully. And attentively.

I trembled. My mouth is quivering. I'm shaking.

"What do you mean?"

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