제12장 (Chapt.12)

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Taehi, my best friend left me. Not left me in a bad way but she left to America, LA because her parents had to do business there.

Three months passed and Yoongi and I are still doing the dare and I'm still doubting my feelings. Jimin however, has been by my side as a friend ever since Taehi left. He's a good listener and I even told him how I felt towards Yoongi. I told him it was a dare and I made sure he would keep it a secret.

I guess, this is how it's going to be like for the rest of the year.

Yoongi and I decided to grabbed lunch at Subway today and he was taking his time to get ready. He suddenly looked at his phone and clicked his tongue.

"Um, Jagi. Can you go to lunch with Jimin. I have to meet up with someone. I promise I'll buy you waffles on the way back, love you," he gave me a quick hug and walked out. I didn't even managed to ask him why.

I called Jimin if he could make it and of course he's free.

"Hey you okay?" He asked.

We were walking around the mall to get to Subway but I was wondering who Yoongi would meet if it wasn't the boys.

"Just wondering who he met up with. Do you know?" He shook his head.

As we were walking, I was looking around to see new stores at the mall. They did pretty well renovating it. But my eyes caught someone.

Min Yoongi.

I shifted my head to the angle which I can clearly see him and I saw him walking with another girl and the girl is clinging onto him.

Is he, cheating?

"Jaehyun, you barely touched your salad and I'm already done with my meal. Is something bothering you, this Park Jimin can help. Life isn't a barrier when you're as cute as me," he said that last sentence while doing his 'cute' face. I'm really glad to have him around because he really can brighten up my mood.

"It's just that. I saw Yoongi. With a girl today. Just now actually. You probably didn't see because you were busy looking at the shoe shop window. That girl was clinging on to him. Isn't that like cheating?"

Jimin's face turned glum.

"I think it's the right time to tell you this."

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