제8장 (Chapt.8)

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I was humming to Justin Bieber's Nothing Like Us when someone grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the lockers.


"Heloo Jagiya~." Ugh Min Yoongi.

"What now?" I replied in frustration.

He was slowly leaning in towards my face. Is he crazy? Omg. But in this situation, every girl probably expect a kiss but Yoongi, nah. I don't expect much.

He was so close to my face until I could smell his minty breath. He looked down at my lips, then look back to my eyes. Of course, I didn't have any expression on.

"Ugh you're no fun. Anyway, I would only kiss you if you're ready. Such a great person I am right? Lol of course. Let's grab some food outside," he said while grabbing my arms. I was about to say something when he just started rapping out of nowhere. He probably don't want to listen to my complains. Typical Min Yoongi.

"It's past our curfew tho," I broke the silence while we were walking down the street.

"Rules are meant to be broken. Now let's get fat and eat street food, shall we?" Yoongi put out his hand, waiting for me to hold it. But I pushed it away and walk without him.

"Cute." I heard him mumbled under his breath.

Omg why does my cheeks feel hot when he said that. Kim Jaehyun, you're so unpredictable.

We went to the food cart where there's fish cakes and tteokbokki, the typical street food. Since Yoongi's paying, I ate alot.

"This is so good~" I sang while chewing the rice cake. Yoongi chuckled while pointing at my lips.

"Ya, you have sauce at the corner of your lips. Silly," he took his thumb and wiped the sauce from my mouth and licked his thumb. I just gave him a blank stare because no man has ever done it to me.

"Oh you know your friends are not here you don't have to act-"

"Both of you are so cute together. Eat more," the ahjumma that's tending the stall told us. I was speechless but was about to say we're not a couple when Yoongi wrapped his hands around my shoulder.

"My girlfriend is the cute one," he said while putting his head on top of my head. Great now he thinks we're real. Did he forget?

"Ohhh my goddd I am so fuckinngg tiredd!" I said while dragging my feet. It was like 12am. Way beyond our curfew but we can sneak in through the backdoor.

"Here's I'll give you a piggy back ride," Yoongi said while kneeling down so that I can climb on him. Well, might as well take the chance.

It was pretty much, very silent the whole way and my eyes were getting really heavy.

"Jaehyun-ah, are you sleeping or are you awake? Ok I don't care. But you know I'm not dumb. They don't call me 'Min Yoongi cheonjae jjangjjangmanbboongbboong' for nothing. Even before that notebook incident, I already knew you. You're my-"


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