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*a few days later*

I was walking down the hallways alone to grab things from my locker until someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl, which I find really familiar.

"So, I heard you are Yoongi's new girlfriend. Hmm. I'm Im Eunsa, the ex," she held out her hand. Right. It's her.

"Kim Jaehyun, the GIRLFRIEND," I emphasized the word 'girlfriend' and didn't bother to shake her hand.

"Just so you know, Yoongi will be mine soon and you better watch out," she pointed at me then walked away. I don't even feel threatened because I'm Yoongi's girlfriend and her, she's his past.

But what if. Just what if, he ask for a break up because of her? What if she forced him to do that? What if she will spread false rumours about me or Yoongi? 

I was thinking all about it while making my way towards my room. Yoongi went for his song writing class so I'm left all alone. 

I looked at my desk and realised I haven't been writing in my notebook for awhile now. 

I just only looked at the winds of autumn
The speech and facial expressions that have gotten colder all of a sudden
I can only see our relationship withering
Like the autumn sky, it's empty between us

I was bored so I decided to call Jimin for a pizza party.

JH : Yo pizza at my room?

JM : Ugh but your room is all the way at the end of the hall. I'm so lazy to walk. You wanna go to the rooftop instead?

JH : The rooftop is further than my room but rooftop sounds good. I need to practice my dance anyway.

"YES I LOVE THE WIND!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while spreading my arms wide.

"Hey, you know I was like wondering, will Yoongi ever fall for his ex again despite her attitude?" I asked out of curiosity. I've been keeping this to myself but I decided to just let it out because I feel like I'm gonna burst anytime soon.

"Well knowing Yoongi, he's actually a softie. He looks cold but he hates breaking people's hearts. It depends on him, I'm not someone who can predict that," Jimin took a sip of his cola.


"Shit, what if he leaves me?" I stood up and contemplate on my life decisions. I love him, I love Yoongi. But if I didn't even have a big mouth in the first place, this wouldn't happen. I wouldn't have come up with the dare, I wouldn't fall for Yoongi, I wouldn't have dated him.

"If that's the case, then, you can date me."

I dare you | BTS MYG [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now