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"So how was yesterday?" Jimin asked. We're back in the dance studio having lessons.

"It was cool. Yoongi and I went to the mall but he looked kinda stunned at one point. It's like as if he saw something," I replied while warming up my body.

"Did you see what or who it was?" I shooked my head. 

Hoseok came along and ask if Yoongi and I are okay, he probably eavesdropped the conversation I had earlier. I nodded.

After the dance class, I decided to just take a nap.

As I walked towards my room, the door wasn't fully closed. I'm pretty sure I closed it before I went out. Did Yoongi forget?  I opened the door and, Yoongi, he- he- I was shaking. I dropped my jacket and my bag. I laughed in disbelief. I grabbed my stuff and stormed out of the room.

"Jaehyun wait I can explain!" Yoongi yelled while catching up to me but I didn't stop walking. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"What the hell Min Yoongi? How could you? No, how DARE you? Yesterday we were fine, but what happened? What happened to all the 'i love you' and shit. Is that all bullshit now?"

He sighed. I could see him tear up a little, but he's trying to hold it back. 

"No, how could you think that? Let me explain first, hear me out for onc-"

"Save it, we're done. I'm changing my room tomorrow. Ask your lovely ex to move in with you," I walked away, leaving him with no words.

I walked and walked until I bumped into someone.

"Oh? Jaehyun, what happened?" It was Jimin. Thank god for Jimin. I couldn't hold my tears back anymore and just cried while hugging him. 

"Woah there, I don't know what happened but I gotta know what happened to make Jaehyunnie cry," he patted my head.

It went on for about 10 minutes straight until I get myself back together. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

"Let's do it."

I dare you | BTS MYG [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now