제13장 (Chapt.13)

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"Jaehyun, since you're his so called 'girlfriend', it's better if you know this. So Yoongi hyung used to have a girlfriend, Im Eunsa. Well at first she was all sweet and all but as day passes, she became very possessive of Yoongi till she doesn't even let him hang out with the boys or talk to other girls. So he asked for a break up and part of it was also because his feelings was already fading away. Recently, hyung told us that she suddenly came in contact with him and she keeps wanting to meet up with him if not she threatened she would do something to you, his new girlfriend."

I was speechless. 

"Ya, why are you furrowing your eyebrows? Don't tell me you're jealous. WAIT, do you have real feelings for Yoongi?" I looked up to him. Shit do I?  My mouth hanged open but no words came out.

"How long is this going to last? Is there a way for me to get rid of her?" I dodged his question.

"She's a tough one. But you can be way more tougher than her from what I see so she's not a competition," he said while drumming his fingers on the table. I took a bite of my salad and chew it soullessly.

"But what if I do this because I really love Yoongi, like actual feelings but he doesn't feel the same way at all?" I actually forgot about it but luckily the question popped randomly in my head.

He just grinned. "Trust me, he actually loves you, even before the dare, he liked you at first sight. Because you're his type," he leaned forward while taking a sip of his drink.

My heart fluttered upon hearing that. Omg like he likes me? Like at first?  Surely not during elementary school but, I don't know what to feel. I didn't know what to reply but I just smiled shyly while finishing up my salad.

I went back to the dorm and Yoongi is still not back. 

< Min Yoongi's pov >

"What do you want?" It's my ex. She's been pestering me ever since Jaehyun is my girlfriend. She wanted me back but I'm already taken and I don't even love Eunsa anymore.

"No I just asked you out because I want to buy a dress for my family dinner tomorrow and I can't choose," she said while clinging onto my arm. I secretly gave her a disgusted look and groan. I tried to release my hand from hers but she held it harder till it felt like my arm is going to break.

I blindly picked for her the dress and quickly rush back to the dorm. Gosh being with her is so suffocating.

I walked in the room to see Jaehyun sleeping with her mouth open while holding a pen, and her other hand sticked out of the bed. I realised she dropped her notebook so I picked it up and see what she wrote.

Diary entry #whateverthisisbecauseIdontcareanymore

Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day, if I can hold your hands
Just one day, if I can be with you
Just one day
If only we can be together

Deep down, I have a feeling it's about me. Because today it's not the first time I stood her up. I should tell her everything tomorrow. I don't know if she loves me but all I know is.

I love her

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