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"If that's the case, then, you can date me," he said, smiling at me.

"Stop joking around Jimin," I threw the tissue I was holding at him.

"I'm not forcing you. I know you love him but if he really does anything to break your heart, all you have to do this, come to me. Just say 'Let's do it' and we're good," he cleared the pizza boxes and threw them away. I still think that he was joking so I didn't think too much about it.

I sat on my bed and just started singing, hoping this whole thing would go off my mind for a while. I wouldn't say I was singing but more like yelling.

"WE DON'T TALK ANYMORE. WE DON'T TALK ANYMORE LIKE WE USED TO DO. WE DON'T LAUGH ANYMORE. WHAT WAS ALL OF IT FORRRR WE DON'T TALK ANYMORE LIKE WE USED TO DO! Min Yoongi, you're so dead if you leave me." Well, seems like it's stuck in my head. After a second I said that, the doorknob turned.

"Yoongi-ya!" I ran to him and hugged him tight. "I missed you." I inhaled his scent, which smells like vanilla. I can feel him smiling while returning my hug.

"It's only been like two hours. Am I that irresistible?" He joked. I pulled away the hug and hit him lightly on his chest. I clicked my tongue and went back to my bed.

"So, what do you wanna do today? We can go to the mall. I need to buy pens and notebooks. It's all running out fast," he said as he put his bag on the chair. I agreed to tag along.

"Oh my god, Jaehyun holy shit you're on a notebook!" Yoongi ran to me and showed me a notebook.

It was a, pig notebook. 

"I found you too you turtle-faced," I shot back. He looks so offended that he started snatching the turtle notebook away from my hands and said 'don't listen to her' to it. Wow. Is this how weird Min Yoongi actually is?

We walked around the mall when the mood suddenly went down.

"Yoongi-ah, are you okay?" I asked. He just nodded and squeezed my hand.

What's wrong with this kid?

< Min Yoongi's pov >

"Break up with her, or else, you know what I can do to her," my ex, Eunsa said. 

"You hurt my Jaehyun, you'll get it from me, you understand?"

"All you gotta do is break up with her, and she'll be fine."

I recalled that conversation as soon as I saw Eunsa at the mall when I'm with Jaehyun. She was looking at us from a distance while smirking. I admit, I might be all tough but I'm scared. I'm scared my loved ones will get hurt because of me.

And I'm scared of breaking the heart of my loved ones.

What should I do?

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