제2장 (Chapt.2)

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I looked up to see who I bumped into.

Ugh it's that boy again.

"Ugh. You again? Goddammit let me live my senior year in peace," I sighed, obviously annoyed while picking up my utensils.

"Yea sure. Oh and I've got the coffin ready for your dead notebook," he teased.

I rolled my eyes and took another set of utensils and got my food. I plopped myself on the bench but I actually forgot there was beef stew even though I mentioned it a few minutes ago. Like expected, food can lighten up your mood.

"Jaehyun-ah, seems like your senior year start off with a bad start," Taehi said while sipping on her banana milk. Ugh. 

The rest of the school days went pretty normal. And fortunately, no accidents with that asshole, only can thank god for that.

Taehi and I decided to have a girls day out today since it's Saturday. I waited for her at a nearby cafe. Well it seem like hours waiting for her because the minute she says 'Im almost there' she'll take thirty minutes to get to the location. I was playing with my phone when I saw someone standing in front of me. I looked up to see a boy, an ordinary boy.

"Can I help you?" I ask. He just smiled. What is he crazy or something?

"Oh no you just look familiar. I swear I've seen you in school before. Are you in Seoul Arts?" He asked. Oh wait he's probably in the same school. I nodded and he asked if he could take a seat.

"I'm Jimin. Park Jimin by the way. I'm a senior, you too right?" 

"I'm Kim Jaehyun. I'm not trying to be rude but I want to buy a cup of coffee. You can go if you want," I stood up, he did the same.

 "Well I'm actually waiting for a friend but he's not here yet so I'll just go to the bathroom for awhile. See you around!" he waved.

I ordered my coffee which only took like a minute or even seconds to be done. I carefully carried the cup to my table but yet again, it's my unlucky day. I bumped into someone and my coffee spilled all over my white shirt.

"Ugh goddammit are you blind," I may sound a bit like an asshole but I just can't help it.

"Well sorry, do you want me to buy you a new tee?" the man asked. I looked up to meet his eyes.

Isn't he that asshole?

"Wait, aren't you that notebook girl?" He brought his face closer to mine to take a good look.

"Man you're such a bad luck. Why are you everywhere," I said, with annoyance while taking tissues to dry the spilled coffee on my hands. Then I saw Jimin walking towards him and called him 'hyung'.

Great they're friends. Now what.

"Now I have to walk back home to change my clothes," I ranted to my self while walking out of the cafe.

"Hey wait-"


A/N : SO TMR IS MAMA AWARDS IM FREAKING but there's alot of artist who couldn't come ugh im mad. Anyways I don't exactly publish this the moment i finish a chapter so my notes are kinda off. Like by the time you're reading this it's prolly christmas or new year

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