제6장 (Chapt.6)

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"Well if you think that way, I dare you Min Yoongi to be my boyfriend for the rest of my senior year."

"Deal," he crossed his arms while staring at me.

Wait what. What did I say?

"Sure, I'll be your boyfriend for the rest of the senior year, but don't blame me if you start falling in love with me," he yelled while walking back towards the bathroom. Before I could say anything, he shut the bathroom door.

I am so confused.

I lied down on the bed while playing with my phone, of course with earphones on and blasted to RUN DMC's music because I was kinda feeling it. I was doing a dance choreography in my head when someone took the earbud out of my ears. I turned to see Min Yoongi putting it in his ear.

"Hmm my girlfriend have similar music taste as me. I like," he nodded approvingly then turned to me and gave me his gummy smile. I rolled my eyes annoyingly at him while snatching back the earbud. 

It was lunch time and well, I literally searched the whole entire school for Taehi, I even texted her but she didn't reply. 

I decided to eat alone. After I got my food, I looked around for empty spots when suddenly someone grabbed my tray and walked off.

"HEY GIVE IT BACK! Yoongi? Ughh you're so dead I'm gonna kill-" I immediately stopped talking when I was indirectly led to a table, filled with 6 boys, excluding Yoongi, staring at me.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Jaehyunnie. Cute right? Now jagi, these are my friends, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung and Jungkook," he pointed to the boys accordingly as he said their names. Did he just introduced me as his girlfriend to his friends?

"Oh no actually this was just a-,"

"Jagiya sit down come on, we won't bite you know," Yoongi interrupted. 

"Gurl stop calling me Jagiya if not imma whoop-"

"Here eat. Mmm nice right?" He started filling my mouth with rice. I wasn't even done talking. I literally thought my lunch is gonna be me enjoying my bulgogi but no, Yoongi just had to ruin my mood.

"Hey the both of you are roommates right? Ooo I'm anticipating you collaboration!!" Taehyung smirked.

Crap I forgot about that. Ugh I though my senior year would go the way I want.

I guess not.

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