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< Yoongi's pov >

Jaehyun opened her mouth wide.

"Woah, how the hell did you photoshop so fast?" she asked as she zoomed in the picture.

Namjoon and I talked about this situation the whole night at his apartment. Even Namjoon, Kim Namjoon, the most intelligent, intellectual and philosophical man I know, don't even know what to do with her.

"I really have to help her hyung, I don't want her to suffer even more. It's better for her to know the reality as fast as possible," I paced back and forth.

We drank coffee, walk around, eat cup noodles and still no clue.

Namjoon suddenly stood up from his seat.

"Shit, I've got it! I know what to do with her," he looked at me like he just invented a new math formula.

"Ok so we can take her to where Jimin's ashes are." [ Do koreans bury or incinerate the dead body?!??!? ]

"Shit bro how can we not think of that earlier? That's sick. But yes, that will open up her already-huge eyes. But not tomorrow. I know I said soon but tomorrow is too soon. Maybe two days after today?"

So we settled the arrangement, timing and location. This is all for you Jaehyun.

During the two days, I took care of her like how a mother takes care of a child. I looked after her and well, she's still talking to invisible Jimin. When I look at her from afar, I couldn't help but feel really devastated. Seeing her in this state is never what I wanted.

Please Jaehyun, wake up.


Fml guys this was a really shitty chapter uagshdj school is the death of me. Chemistry is shit. ;(

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