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< Jimin's pov >

Yes, ever since I met Jaehyun, during our freshman year, I fell in love. It was one of those 'love at first sight'. It all started from the first dance class we had together. The way she moved really attracts me. She probably didn't know me because I wasn't even the popular kid in school, and my dancing isn't that outstanding. [a/n : im killing myself while writing this because Jimin's dance, like the way he dance is so unique I LOVE IT ]

I walked in the hallways and saw Jaehyun putting on lipbalm while looking in the mirror at her locker.

"What's my beautiful girl doing," I slinged my arms around her. 

"Shit Jimin you scared me," she jumped a little.

"Hey you wanna skip class today? I mean like your last lesson is maths and your relief teacher always make you sleep sooo let's get subway."

We talked while we were eating and I'm dying to know if she actually noticed me during freshman year. Also, the teacher praises me a lot and since I'm considered one of the good ones, so she ought to know my name.

"I don't know. But there's this kid, his name is exactly the same as yours. He was so good, I'm not kidding. His strength is contemporary and it's better than mine. He even picked up different genres and learned them so fast. He was cool but I think he transferred out because I don't see him anymore," she said while taking a bite of her sandwich. Holy shit. That's me. Is she acting or does she not recognise my face?

"Jaehyun, THAT'S ME!" That sentence made her choke. She took sips of her drink and took a good look at me.

"Holy bangtanballs Jimin, how are you JUST having puberty at this age? Or is it your weight loss? You used to be chubby and cute now you're all grown up. Still cute though," she said which made me blush a little.

"Mochi mochi mochi Jimin! Ya are you turning shy? Your cheeks are all pink!" She pointed out. I quickly covered my cheeks while chuckling. Damn it Jaehyun why are you making me feel like this??!?

< Jaehyun's pov >

His cheeks turned bright pink as soon as I said he was cute. Does actually like me? He's blushing, which I find it kinda cute. He's, kinda cute.

"Why are you smiling to yourself? Are you thinking about me," he smirked. I scoffed and finished up my last bite.

I went to school the next morning, refreshed because I went back to my own house to take a good sleep. The hallways were so chaotic, everyone was crowding around.

I looked at what everyone was looking at and I saw Yoongi continuously throwing punches at Jimin while Jimin, he did not fight back. He just let Yoongi punch him.

"YA PARK JIMIN MIN YOONGI ARE YOU GUYS CRAZY?" I yelled. My eyes went wide, and so did Jimin's. Yoongi took steps back and turned to me and let out a little laugh. Well, a sarcastic laugh.

"Have fun together you losers," he dragged his feet away. 

"What the hell," I muttered under my breath while helping Jimin get on his feet. He was too weak to move, to even talk. I had to drag him to the medical office because I'm not strong enough to carry him.

I took out the first-aid kit and began treating his wounds. I dabbed [ a/n : DAB BOI DAB BOI DAB BOI im so extra fml bye ]  medication on his face when he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Jaehyun-ah. I have to confess something."

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