제10장 (Chapt.10)

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A/n : I figured that if any of have yet to listen to Tony Montana, YOU SHOULD🌞 credits to the owner of this video!

I immediately turned off the song but when I looked around the room, Yoongi wasn't there.

"Why did you turn it off?"

I swear I couldn't find anyone in the room. I cursed under my breath while walking around the room.

Should I call for help?

"Yoongi-ah, Min Yoongi where you at. God I think the more I hate him the more his voices are lingering in my head," I hit myself in the head.

Suddenly Yoongi's blanket started sitting up by itself. What the actual f- but then. Before me, appeared a messy haired Min Yoongi. Oh god he was here all the time?

"Ugh goddammit Yoongi. Did you have to wrap yourself in your blanket. I thought it was your bolster or something. God I panicked," I said, playfully collapsing on the floor.

I heard him chuckle. "So you call for me when you need help uh?" I looked at him and he smirked. 

I sat up while looking at him.

"It's okay, you were always like that anyway." He replied while lying back down. What did he mean by always?

"How would you know," I asked while walking towards my bed.

 "You're Kim Jaehyun. Remember? Elementary school, you liked me? But I didn't like you back so you cried and even bought me chocolates."


"WHAT?! You're that Yoongi? Min Yoongi? That Yoongi? That gummy smiled Min Yoongi?" I bombarded him with a lot of questions. Come to think of it, he also have that gummy smile. Well now I'm just embarrassed.

"Yes Kim Jaehyun. That's me. Seems like your dream have come true, now that you're dating your first love."

First love? 

Diary entry #23

Only you only you
Again, I'm acting weird in front of you
You're so nice
But why am I like this?
I sleep and kick my blankets around

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