14. Betrayed

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Dumbledore watched as Snape put a weird solution to his blackened hand. It hurt, but he didn't show any signs of pain.

"But our poor Malfoy boy isn't using miss Mullen?" Dumbledore asked out of the blue.

Snape looked up at him in surprise.

"I can't be sure, Albus."

"He isn't," Dumbledore answered his own question, closing his eyes.

Snape's eyebrows shot upwards.

"How could you... Oh, yes. You're Dumbledore."

Dumbledore smiled.

"You don't have to be me to know such things, Severus. In terms of love, there is no place for using."

"Love? Sure, you and your love philosophy. They aren't a pair," Snape muttered, focusing back on headmaster's hand.

"And does this mean they do not love each other? Severus, you, out of all people..."

"Cut it," Snape said quickly, wishing Dumbledore wouldn't mention Lily.

"Why did he tell her about his task in the first place?"

Snape sighed heavily. He knew Dumbledore wasn't going to give up until he proved himself right.

"She's skilled, she's a better back up than Crabbe or Goyle," Severus replied dismissively.

"Oh, no, no," Dumbledore chuckled, "Severus, both you and I know very well it isn't about skills."

Snape almost groaned.

"Could you stop talking for a minute? I want to focus," he said and Dumbledore nodded, keeping his mouth shut for the rest of treatment.

Draco's POV

I must tell her. I must tell her.
I should have told her ages ago...But now it really is necessary. I might die. Soon. And I will never forgive myself that she did not know. I should have told her when she asked.

I must be out of my mind. This so unlike me.

Why can't I just go and say it? She won't hate me, will she? And even if she rejects me... I might be dead right after it. And at least I would be satisfied I told her.

And if she says yes?

No. She won't say yes. She treats me more of a brother. She was the first to say we are only friends. And she keeps on saying it. And there's, of course, Blaise. She ignored his gift, though... But still Blaise is the only guy who would dare touch her. She wouldn't look at Crabbe or Goyle. Or anyone from other houses, and they wouldn't even try to get her to. Nott is smart enough to know she is... Mine. She is not with me. But everyone knows she is mine. Somehow. Only Blaise butts in and stands in the way.

But if I go and really tell her, how do I do it? Straightforward? Or give her hints and wait until she gets it herself?
But I was giving her hints. All the time.
Though on the other hand I said we were only friends, too. But what was I supposed to say...

Nott. Nott is my last chance. He had loads of girls, he knows everything. The only thing is I have to somehow assure him it is not about Aurora, because he can't know about it.

The dormitory was empty except for Nott and me, so I closed the door and seized the occasion.

"So you had a girlfriend," I said, crossing my arms and leaning against my bed.

Unplanned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz