58. Romantic getaway

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"Well?" Snape said after neither Draco nor I spoke. "Who modified their memory?"

"I did," I replied quietly. There was no use in lying, we'd only get into deeper trouble. Snape smiled with satisfaction.

"I expected this. And why?"

Draco and I exchanged unsure looks. I sighed heavily. I don't think I had another choice but to tell him the truth. I took a deep breath and began talking, looking at my knees all the time.

"It's because my parents don't want me to talk to Draco or even meet him. They have been afraid of the Malfoys since they found out Draco's father is a Death Eater. So I ran away."

I looked up and Snape examined me for a moment.

"Could you confirm this, Draco?" he turned to him.

"I'll confirm anything she says," he muttered, knowing perfectly well this would transform Snape into a walking rage.

Anger appeared on his face almost immediately.

"So I understand that you modified their memory, ran away and then let Bellatrix present you to the Dark Lord only because otherwise you wouldn't be able to meet Draco?"

Or maybe because your lot would find me and hunt me down as well because I know too much?

"Partly," I replied.

"Well, that would be enough," Snape said after a moment of hesitating. "You two shall come here during every Dark Arts lesson. Dismissed."

Draco and I stood up and left Snape's office without any more words.

"Is he stupid or something?" Draco said as we started walking towards the Slytherin common room. "He's literally giving us a free period three times a week. I mean, I don't mind, we can..."

"He said we'd have to come to his office during each lesson and I don't think we will be just sitting and doing nothing," I interrupted him, putting out his excitement. "But it doesn't matter. What matters is that now he knows about it all...Do you think he'll tell your parents?"

"What for? What would it change now? It's not like we'd stop meeting each other if they knew, right?"

I nodded, but still felt sceptical about it.

"At least the Memory Charm is still working."

"Yeah, but it didn't stop me from having a heart attack when I saw your parents," he said and I chuckled.

"You don't trust my skills?"

"How did you say it? I'd trust you with my life, but not with..."

I smacked him on the arm with all my force, causing him to stop. He didn't seem bothered by my hit at all.

"You're so lame you're using your girlfriend's texts against her?" I asked.

Draco rolled his eyes and I knew I won.

"Well, at least now I can cover this," I indicated my neck. While at Snape's office, I made sure to keep my hair on this side.

Draco groaned.

"I don't know why it bothers you so much."

"It's me who has it so shut up, want one yourself?"

I facepalmed internally, because right after I said it I knew what his answer would be.

"I do, if that's the case," he replied as I expected. "The common room is empty now, you know. So is my dormitory," he added in a lower voice.

I sighed.



"I said okay. Let's go," I turned my head towards him.

He was looking at me in eternal shock, probably not believing that I eventually gave in. We quickly walked the remaining distance to the common room through the empty corridors and soon stood in front of the stone wall.

"Wait, what was the new password?" I asked as I realised I had no idea.

"I don't know, I didn't listen yesterday."

"Me either."

We looked at each other and I burst out laughing, but Draco didn't share my amusement as he swore quietly.

"But there's one more place we can go to," I said as I calmed down. He turned to me, his eyebrows raised.

"If you mean the Room of Requirement, I'd like to remind you we're in the dungeons and the Room is on the seventh floor."

It was my turn to groan impatiently.

"Oh, and how old are you, seventy? Move, you lump," I started walking upstairs.

"The lesson will end in twenty minutes," he said, still not moving from his spot. "It will take ten to get there."

"Because you care about lessons, mhm. It's you who wanted to go, remember?"

I knew that the only reason he didn't want to go was these seven floors we had to climb. When he still didn't move, I leaned myself against the railing and crossed my arms.

"Okay, so we sit and look at each other for the next twenty minutes and do nothing. How about that?"

And this was the strongest argument.

"Room of Requirement in five minutes," he said eventually.

"That's it," I grinned.

And we started to run, forgetting Snape and everything else.

Unplanned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz