55. Unbearable desire

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The rest of the journey was just boring and we weren't talking about anything particulary interesting. When we entered the Great Hall, it was as gloomy as it could be. The gloomiest Sorting Ceremony I've ever seen followed our entry. McGonagall, standing beside the Hat, and other teachers looked devastated. Except for Snape who looked the same way he always did. I was surprised to see both Alecto and Amycus Carrow standing on either side of him, looking strangely satisfied.

Something heavy seemed to be lifted off my shoulders every time somebody was sorted into Slytherin and I don't even know why it mattered to me so much. I just knew they'd be all safe.

After the Sorting was done, McGonagall sat down next to Snape by the table, miserable. Snape rose from his seat and walked slowly to stand in front of the table.

"Starting from this year, a few changes are coming into use," he began, not bothering to welcome anyone. "Firstly, from now on I will be the Headmaster of this school, following Professor Dumbledore's... Departure," he said and booing could be heard from the Gryffindor table, while some of us Slytherins started clapping.

"Silence!" Snape shouted and the Hall went quiet at once. "Secondly, Professor Amycus Carrow will teach the Dark Arts this year."

I looked at Draco who was sitting across from me. He looked as confused as me.

Dark Arts?

The entire Hall started whispering and exchanging strange looks.

"And thirdly," Snape continued, as though there was no response from the crowd, "Professor Slughorn will take my place as the Head of Slytherin house."

Slughorn bowed slightly, but there was no response from us. Every Slytherin preferred Snape, anyways.

"The last thing," he said, "is that the curfew is eight in the evening. And nobody is allowed to leave the castle in any case. If any disobedience occurs, the consequences will be severe."

"Eight?!" Tracey whispered in shock, looking at me.

"You may eat," Snape finished and food appeared on our tables. Draco and I exchanged looks and we were definitely going to talk about it all later.

Hogwarts didn't look like Hogwarts anymore.

In the evening, it felt really weird to lay down in a much smaller bed. It lacked something and I quickly realised that 'something' was the feeling of Draco's arms around my waist. I already got used to that and I missed it, even though it was the first night without him in a month.

I put my necklace and the magical galleon on my bedside table and smiled at them as I tried to fall asleep, my head heavy with the thoughts about all the changes at school.

Draco's POV

"Seriously, Aurora is acting all hard to get, but little flirting here and there and she'd go out with me with a snap of my fingers," Nott said out of the blue as we were preparing ourselves to sleep.

Blaise snorted before I even opened my mouth.

"I'd like to see that," he said.

"Easy, I can do it," Nott replied confidently.

Nott was pathetic. But I could make a bet which I was sure to win.

"Then we bet, Nott. You have one month to persuade her," I turned to him, tired of his stupidity.

I knew Aurora would never agree to be with Nott. He'd only embarrass himself and I would be more than happy to see it.

"Challenge accepted," he shrugged.

"You don't know her at all, Nott," Blaise shook his head. Well, he didn't know her, either, so what was he talking about?

Nott seemed untouched.

"All girls work the same way. Compliments here and there, acting shy around her and she's yours."

"We'll see," I said. "One month."

Aurora would never fall for that. Now that I'm thinking about her, I have an urge to kiss her. She's probably asleep.

Or is she?

I opened the drawer to find the magical galleon, hoping she has hers beside her. Then I walked to the door of the dormitory.

"Where are you going?" Nott asked as I placed my hand on the handle.

"Why would it interest you, Nott?" I snorted and left the dorm, then sat down in the empty common room in a place from which you could see the entrance to girls' dormitory.

"Come on..." I said to myself, gripping the galleon tightly.

She was probably asleep and I couldn't even get to their dorm's door, because the stairs would turn into a slide the moment I stepped onto them.

Tsk, equality. Girls can go into boys' dormitories, but boys can't go into girls'. Great rule.

I'd take her to my dorm, but with those morons around there was no way in hell that she could stay for the night.

I was ready to go back to my dorm when the girls' door opened. I looked up from the galleon. She was there.

"Draco? Is something wrong?" she asked anxiously, looking around as she went downstairs.

I ignored her question and kissed her without any reply. The desire was unbearable.

She smiled after we pulled back.

"And where did that come from?" she asked, smirking.

"Just a notion," I replied truthfully. I just had a desire to kiss her and I did it.

I turned her around and started to kiss her neck. I could barely control myself in her presence, and after refraining from any affection for the entire day, I couldn't stop.

I felt satisfaction as she let out a quiet moan.

"Draco... Draco, we're in the common room," she gasped.

"So what?" I whispered into her ear.

"So somebody can come in, stop, Draco," she urged me, freeing herself from my grip.

If she hadn't told me to stop, I think I would've got carried away. A lot.

"You know I don't care," I said quickly, hoping she'd give in anyways. I saw a big red mark I left on her neck and smirked with satisfaction.

She turned back towards me and wrapped one arm around my neck.

"I promise we'll continue, but not here and not tonight," she whispered, causing me to start feeling hot. "Go to sleep," she added and she was about to lean in. I froze. It was the first time she indicated a kiss between us and it felt different. Our lips were about to touch when we heard a door of one of the dormitories open. She stepped back immediately.

"I don't care, Draco!" she shouted suddenly and I looked at her in confusion. She just shook her head and I understood. I glanced behind myself. Of course, Nott was standing in the door - because who else?

"Fine, whatever!" I played along and walked back to the dorm, while she went her own way.

Damn Nott. This guy always destroys everything.

On the other hand, I don't think I could have controlled myself for much more if she had kissed me. Still aroused, I passed Nott in the door and went straight to my bed, not letting them ask me any question.

I eventually decided to write a bit more from Draco's point of view, because it fits this particular situation better. I'm not sure if I should write more from his POV 🤔

Unplanned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz