53. Truth or dare?

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When we appeared back at the Manor in the afternoon, I was ready to face Bellatrix who would tell me how I wasted another day. However, suprisingly enough, she wasn't there.

As surprised as I was pleased, I threw myself onto my bed while Draco went to his room to change.

When he returned, he shamelessly sat beside me.

"I don't know why I let you act like you own everything in this room," I shook my head as he adjusted the pillows. He snorted.

"It's my house, as far as I'm concerned, so it's me who should be saying this."

"Well, if you want me to come back to my parents, don't be shy, one word and I'm out," I crossed my arms. "Should I start packing now?"

He rolled his eyes, so I continued.

"It's just that you have your own room with even a bigger bed and you keep coming and taking my precious space."

This was all teasing, of course. The bed was large enough for at least three more people to lie on.

Oh, I knew he wasn't going to give up after that.

"If it bothers you so much that I'm coming to your room and taking precious space on your bed, we can get a common one. Then you have to share your precious space and I have to share my precious space as well."

I looked at him and he was close to laughing - just like me. It didn't take long before we both burst out.

"You know what my dream is?" he asked out of the blue when we calmed down.

"Hmm... To walk into the sunset with Crabbe and Goyle?"

"To see Blaise's face when someone calls you Mrs. Malfoy in the future."

I couldn't help smiling at that. He meant it. I knew he did.

"Mine is actually similar," I admitted and even though he didn't smile, it was all in his eyes. "The only difference is that I want to see Pansy."

He said nothing, he just started to lean in. I did the same, but suddenly we heard two knocks on the door. Before we registered it, it opened.

I've never jumped away so quickly. He did the same, but the bed was so big we were still on it.

I looked towards the door, sure to see Bellatrix. But it wasn't her.

It was even worse.

It was Narcissa.

"Oh," she said as she entered and Draco stood up.

"Yes, mother?"

I didn't even move. I wanted to bury myself into a deep hole. Right there.

Narcissa cleared her throat.

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you your school letters came," she gave Draco two envelopes. "And don't go downstairs tonight, there will be some... Guests," was all she said before she quickly exited the room, hastily closing the door behind her.

"Don't even say anything," I said, burying my face in the pillows."I won't be able to look your mother in the eye anymore."

Draco sniggered.

"What are you laughing at?"

"At you," he said shamelessly, sitting back on the bed and I groaned in response, sitting up.

He laughed again and put his hand under my chin only to finish what Narcissa had interrupted.

Bellatrix didn't show up for the remainig of the summer and nobody bothered to tell us why - not that I had anything against it. August ended very quickly and soon we had to pack for school.

Unplanned Liars • Draco MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz