Chapter One

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A/N: Hey howdy hey!!! SOOOO I love OTH very much, therefor, I decided to put my own lil twists and turns into it! It starts in Season 3 and goes from there...hope you all enjoy!!!

Season 3 Episode 1


The ride home was rather quiet, and if we're being honest it made it even more nerve racking. The last person we saw was Luke and Brooke when they came to see us...and by that I mean Luke brought annulment papers from Nathan.

We finally drove past the "Welcome to Tree Hill" sign, and that's when my palms began to get clamy. It wasn't that I was worried about people being angry I had gone, or a girlfriend (non-existent)... it was being here again. Being home, with no where to sleep at the moment or knowledge of what had happened since we left. Since my parents sold the house and Haley gone with Nate, I had moved in with Keith and I imagine I would go there again... yet, he was gone too.

Now we stopped and got out of the vehicle, wondering where to go or who to see first. Haley obviously chose to go see Nathan, while I on the other hand chose to go see Peyton.

"We'll catch up later, okay? Love you." Haley shouted, as she walked away.

I pulled out my phone, that way instead of ambushing Peyton at her house, I decided to give her a call before hand.

"Toby? Hey bud, it's been awhile! What's going on?" she answered.

"Hey, Hales and I just got back into town...I was just wondering if ya wanted to meet up for some coffee at Karen's?"

"Of course! Give me like two minutes."

I hung up and headed to Karen's, where she stood back facing me until the door bell rang.

"Toby! Oh my gosh... I didn't know you were coming back! Is Haley with you?" Karen cheered, searching the space behind me.

"She's home yeah." I laughed, "But she went to go talk to Nathan..."

Her smile slowly faded, "Well... I hope it ends up being a good talk."

I nodded in agreement, taking a seat at the counter. "So, what brings you here? Hot date?" Karen smirked.

I laughed, "No, no. Nothing like that. Just catching up with an old friend."

As though on queue, Peyton walked in with a smile on her face.

"Well, well... if it isn't Tobin James." She laughed, engulfing me in a hug.

"Missed you too P. Sawyer," I smiled and looked around, "Where's your partner in crime?"

"Who? Oh, Brooke... she went away for the summer." she informed.

I then began to feel my phone vibrate as though I was receiving a call, and the name that appeared took me by surprise.

"Well, would ya look at that," I said and answered the phone, "What can I do for you, Miss Davis?" I smirked.

Brooke and I became close throughout the drama of her, Luke, and Peyton, and god forbid whatever drama there was. Yet, somehow, her and I never faltered.

"Well, you could've came to see me when you got back! Instead, I had to hear it from tutor girl here."

"Haley? Why is she with you? She went to see Nathan." I questioned, worried that Haley was upset or something had gone wrong.

"She's fine, calm down warrior brother. But you definitely can come to their old apartment... we could use the help." She said, screaming something at Mouth before hanging up.

I was confused. Not in a bad way, but why in the world was Mouth at the apartment and what could I possible help them with?

"Well, I guess that's your queue." Peyton smiled, giving me a farewell hug.


I could hear arguments from below the stairs. Not bad arguments, but funny ones. I hear Haley laughing which put a smile on my face as I entered the room.

"Well hey stranger!" Brooke squeeled, jumping into my arms for a hug. "Now that we've been reunited, I'm sure you wouldn't mind going downstairs with Mouth and bringing the couch up." She smiled.

I looked at Haley, who laughed, and then to Mouth and said "Let's go."

Haley and I returned to the Cafe after getting everything into the apartment. That's when Luke appeared, and I wasn't sure why but it seemed tense between the two of us. He then approached me, handing me some papers.

"These are for you...they're from Keith."

I scrunched my eyebrows and looked through the papers. Keith had left his place in my name, as if he knew I would return. I sighed in relief... I had a place to stay, so I wouldn't have to accept Brooke's offer of sleeping on the couch.

"Thanks, Luke." I smirked.

He did one of his half smiles, gave a hug, and returned to his conversation among him, Karen, and Haley. I chose to finish my coffee and head to Keith's to get things arranged and moved in. In the middle of cleaning, I received a text from Haley.

So, the latest gossip in this town is that Lucas and Brooke are a fling...non exclusive...can you believe them!? -Hales

I plopped down on my bed and ran my fingers through my hair. At that moment, I then received a text from Brooke.

Really glad you're back... but I'm missin ya already, come over? -B.Davis

For some reason, I can't quite figure out, I replied "What about Lucas? And Haley is there?"

Haley is at Nathan's for the night. Lucas doesn't need to know... -B.Davis

I sighed in deep thought. What was she trying to pull? Maybe it was just a friend missing a friend... regardless, I ended up staying the night with Brooke.


A/N: welllll lmao im not sure why but I already think this is suckish!!

feel free to message or comment your thoughts, or ideas, or suggestions!!



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