Chapter 17

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No A/N

Season 3 Episode 20


Another game day, and this time it was for a tournament. Nathan and I were pushing extra hard with Lucas gone, and we were doing a damn good job. The hardest part? Was seeing Rachel at the games...

After the first game, which we won, Nate and I saw a guy attempting to hit on Haley.

"Out of your league, don't you think?" Nathan said, wrapping an arm around Haley.

"Nathan Scott... Hope you are ready for your season to be over now that you lost your shooter." Damien boasted, "You lose this tournament, you won't even be in the playoffs and we're undefeated."

"Not for long." I said, following Nathan and Haley as they left.


I had been receiving calls from Rachel, so I decided to go see her instead. When I got there, she was outside cleaning a car... looking good doing so.

"Hey." She smiled, "I have been calling you..."

"Yeah, I know. What do you want Rachel?" I asked, showing my pain.

"I didn't mean to lead you on..."

"It's okay, I was the fool here. I learned my lesson." I said.

Before she could reply, Brooke showed up behind her and sprayed her with a hose. "That's for hurting him." She said, before pulling me along with her to leave.

Brooke and I walked around a bit, just talking.

"Oh my gosh, hot uncle Cooper is in town! How do I look?" she said, fixing her hair.

"Like Lucas' girlfriend..." I sighed, looking up to see him, "Wait, that's him? That's Rachel's boyfriend."

"That can't be. He wouldn't date a-" and she got all excited, "He doesn't know she's in high school."


We won another game of the tournament, and now all we had to do was win one more. The championship and we were going to play Damien West's team.

The championship game came fast, and we all were warming up beforehand. Shockingly, Dan showed up to try and reach out to Nathan but Deb came in to stop him by handing him a paper.

"A restraining order?" He scoffed, "You're okay with this, Nathan?"

"Yeah. Actually it was my idea." Nate replied.

With that, Dan was escorted out and the game was underway. If we scored then they would too, and vice versa. Nathan went up to take a shot, but Damien knocked him down by playing dirty. Haley pushed him first, and once Damien pushed her, I stepped in and nailed him.

"Are you okay?" I said, looking at Haley and Brooke. They both nodded and I went back to the game.

Nathan stepped up to the line only to be stopped due to bleeding. Whitey sends him back to the locker room to get him fixed up. While he was gone, I tried to hold them off as best I could, but I couldn't pull off a one man defense.

Nate came back out wearing Lucas' jersey, and we were down by 9. Once Nate was in, I did everything I could get him the ball and I succeeded. He was draining 3's and now we were only down by 3 points when Damien got sent to the free throw line. Damien missed both and we were in possession.

I passed it over to Nathan. Their coach was yelling to foul but Damien rejected. Nathan went up for a 3, getting a foul along with it. His shot went in and now we were tied. All Nathan had to do was make one free throw and we win. 

"Hey, Scott." I shouted, getting his attention, "None of this matters unless you make the shot." I smiled.

He grinned, getting the ball for his shot.

"You got nothing, Scott!" Damien shouted.

Nathan looked over at him with a huge grin and let the ball fly. Ravens win! Haley ran over to Nathan, jumping in his arms. I turned to see Brooke, who then jumped up into my arms for a hug. I couldn't help but smile.


After the game, Brooke decided that she wanted to hang out with me and help me arrange my new apartment. Without Keith, I couldn't stay at his place... it felt wrong. So, I rented out an apartment like Nathan and Haley's.

"So, can I talk to you about something?" she asked, obviously looking upset.

"I'm always here, B. Davis." I smiled, taking a seat next to her on the couch.

"It's Lucas... he hasn't talked to me at all while he's been away. And I know this will sound awful, but, I stopped missing him..."

I sighed, "Does this have anything to do with him and Peyton? Their past? How he always saves her?"

"I don't know, maybe. I just, I wish he would call ya know... just once..."

I didn't have words to be honest... What do you tell the girl you love when she says her boyfriend isn't talking to her? I had no idea. She later fell asleep, so I carried her to bed. I on the other hand, made my way to the couch.


till next time!


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