Chapter 39

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Hello! So, I know there are a ton of chapters, soooo for the next seasons I have... I will label them as PARTS instead... therefore S5E1 = Part One




2 weeks had passed since graduation and it already felt like another lifetime ago. Haley gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named James Lucas Scott... Karen had a baby girl named Lily Ro Scott. Me? I now sat in my room with Brooke preparing myself to open up this card from unknown people.

"I'm here for all of this." She assured me.

I nodded and took a deep breath as I broke the seal on the envelope. The opened envelope held a folded up letter, along with a picture. I slowly opened the letter and began reading. The more I read... the more my chest hurt and the more pain that filled me. Every word lead to more tears building up in my eyes. I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes shut as my head fell into my hands.

"Tobin... what is it? What did it say."

I looked back at the letter before replying. "It says that... I'm not really a James. The people who sent this? Their my parents... my biological ones. It says Haley knew..."

At that moment, Nathan and Haley joined and obviously noticed something was going on.

"Oh gosh... Toby what's going on?" Haley said, making her way to me.

I stepped back and threw the letter at her, "You tell me..."

She looked at me confused before reading the letter. Haley's face fell as she lowered the letter away, making direct eye contact with me. "Tobin... we were gonna tell you..."

I shook my head, "Were you, Haley? How long have you known..."

Before she could answer, Deb had walked in holding Jamie. "Okay, so you all are going to that party tonight. I will watch him, now go."

I nodded, "Gladly... I'll need a drink." I said and stormed off.


"Look, I know there is a lot of tension right now. But tonight is our chance to say goodbye... we don't know when we will ever see any of these people again, okay?" Brooke said, clenching my arm in comfort.

"I know... I have to make the best of this. But, you leave tomorrow... well, WE leave... so I'll keep my distance so we can make our rounds and say goodbye." I said, wrapping my arm over her shoulder and placing a kiss on her forehead.

That's when we made it to the entrance, however, they somehow didn't have Brooke's name on the list. "Whose stupid party is this!?"

"Mine, bitch."

We turned to see none other than Rachel standing with a grin on her face, "Figured since I graduated I should come back for a bit."

Brooke cheered and engulfed her into a hug. I left in order to allow the two to enjoy their company. I found myself standing beside Nathan.

"So... you're going to LA?" He said, obviously knowing I didn't want to talk about earlier.

I shrugged, "There's nothing else here for me... so why not?"

"Well, you could play college ball. With me... with Whitey being coach." Nathan said, making a face.

I took a deep breath as Lucas joined us, which is when I decided to leave as well.

"Toby..." Lucas called after me. I turned back to him, "Haley was just trying to protect you, okay? Maybe hear her side first..."

I didn't say anything. I just gave a quick nod and made my way into the crowd. I had started drinking when I heard the music get louder and Brooke's laugh stood out. I moved between the crowd to see the girls, mostly the cheerleaders, to be dancing in front of us all. They were having fun and laughing so much. Brooke's smile was contagious and turned my blank stare into a full smile.

The dance ended and Brooke gave me a wink from a distance as she talked to others. That's when a hand took hold of my arm.

"Tobin, can we please talk about this." Haley pleaded.

I nodded and followed her where there was less of a crowd.

"Toby... you know I would never do something to hurt you unless I had good reason. We never told you because there was reason."

"And that reason being?" I snapped.

"Your birth father... he-"

"Just call him my dad, Hales. That's what he is."

"No! That man did not raise you! YOU are MY family... NOT theirs." she cried, taking a deep breath to calm herself, "We never told you because your birth father was the one who sent you away. That letter was from your mother... Because he is in jail."

"Why would he be in jail? What did he do..."

"He raped her, Tobin. He sent you away without her even knowing but when she saw you with us she didn't want to pull you away from being happy."


I sat with Brooke in the car as I informed her about my conversation with Haley.

"My mom... my BIRTH mom wants me to go see her." I sighed, playing with Brooke's hand. "But if I go then that means you go to LA without me..."

She bit her lip in deep thought before speaking, "I think you should stay here... invite her here. That way you can take Nathan and Whitey's offer on that scholarship. Also, stay and fix things with Haley..." she said with sad eyes.

I just looked at her, "But, what about you? What about us?"

"We have our whole lives to annoy each other," She smirked, "I want this for you. We'll be okay... always." She said, placing a kiss onto my lips.

Obviously, this kiss escalated into something more. It was our way of reminding each other that we love the other... and that we'll come back together no matter what happens.


After the countdown we all had left and went to the River Court. This was where all of our relationships lifted off, basically. We played a game of girls vs boys, but it was mostly just us goofing around. Brooke flashed me a look and I instantly handed the ball over. She ended up making the shot before I picked her up and spun her around. In return, she jumped onto my back.

"What do you say about a rematch?" Nathan smirked, looking at Lucas, "Even though you're gonna get smoked."

"Oh, you're on baby brother." Lucas smiled.


NO A/N!!!!

see ya in 4 years (;

till next time!


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