Season 8, Ep 9&10

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I woke up in the morning to see my beautiful fiance cooking.

"Brooke Davis in the kitchen? That's pretty sexy!" I teased, giving her a quick kiss on the temple.

"Trying to!" Brooke scoffed, "It's just your first Thanksgiving without your mom and I want everything to be perfect."

"Hey, I know I was pretty bitter about all of that for awhile and I am so sorry for that." I started, taking her hands into mine, "But, we're here... together, just like she wanted. I think today is gonna be perfect!"

She smirked and we leaned in for a kiss, but just as our lips went to touch the smoke alarm started to go off.

"Maybe!" Brooke scoffed as I put out the smoke.

"We could probably just scrape it off, right?" I questioned with a sly smirk.

She just rolled her eyes, "Come on, lets go to Haley's."


We arrived at Haley's, and luckily she was prepared for us!

"Good thing I always make extra!" Haley teased.

"You always know." I surrendered, throwing up my hands. "How are you today?"

"What do you mean?" She asked, noticing my stern face.

"I mean... having this first holiday without mom."

She sighed, "Yes, it's hard. But, we both know that she would want us to look at all the positive and amazing things we have."

At that moment, Brooke and I caught each others gaze and she smiled at me. I smiled and nodded.

"The things we have ARE pretty amazing."


Finally, it was time for dinner so we all gathered around the table.

"So, we have this tradition where we say what we're thankful for." Haley smiled, "I'm thankful for all of you and I am so thankful that you are here."

Then Jamie stood up and said he was thankful for his baby brother, or sister, that Quinn was home, and that Aron was able to join us. We all smiled at the cute gesture, until Mia and Alex started bickering and continued to go back and forth. Among the other fighting, Brooke and Victoria also went at it for awhile. I finally had enough so I rose to my feet.

"I think what we all really mean is that we all have been through a lot this year and that there is so much to be thankful for. I know that if my mom was here, I'd love it, even if it was bad." I stated, glancing between Brooke and Victoria and then looking towards Mia and Alex, "And you two... fighting over a boy! Come on... you both are famous and I would give anything to be living my dream like you guys. We all need to look at all of the good things we have, because we all have some amazing things."

I looked at Brooke and gave her a loving kiss as I sat down.

"Slancha." Aron smiled.

"That means cheers, right?" Jamie asked, and Aron nodded.

"Cheers." We all smiled, and then enjoyed the rest of our night.


The next day, I found myself helping Brooke look through a bunch of stuff from the closet.

"So, what is it that you're looking for?" I asked.

"Inspiration." She smirked.

At that moment, I found a list that she tried to steal from my grasp. "What's this?"

"That's just a list that Millie made for me  when I was rich and talked about all of the things I wanted to do."

"Did you ever do any of this stuff?" I smiled.

"No..." she sighed, "Too busy getting rich I guess."

A thought then popped into my head. So, for the rest of the day we did everything on that list. I started small by placing a french CD in her car to help her learn the language. Next we had a mock October fest along with a James Bond marathon. Later on in the day we had gone skydiving, and obviously there was some hesitation on that one. Finally, we were out at night. Her list said to go into space, but the best I could get was by the ocean underneath the moon and stars.

"I'm sorry, this was all I could get!" I smiled, seeing the huge smile on her face and she shook her head. "What?"

"I just know that this wasn't on the list." She smiled.

"Uh. Yes, it was! I remember you wanted to go into spa--"

"No!" She laughed, "Meeting a guy like you that adores me like you do, and for as long as you have even when I shot you down. Now I get to keep you forever."

"Well, you are worth it."

She smiled even wider and placed a long and passionate kiss onto my lips, which ended the night.


We made it back home and Brooke still had a smile on her face.

"Did you have a good day?" I said.

"I did." She replied, and then got stern. "I'm so sorry it's been up and down."

"I think it's allowed."

"You know, even if my bank account says zero I will always be rich. Because I will always have you."

"Indeed you will! I also intend on making all of your dreams come true... especially that last one." I smirked.

"And which one is that?"

"Having a baby." I smiled, placing my hands on her cheek. "I can not wait to have a family with you, Brooke Davis."


No A/N

till next time!


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