Chapter Six

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A/N: Soooo, we're slowly getting more and more readers! That's exciting!

For me xD teehee

Anyway, enough chit chat(:

Season 3 Episode 6 & 7


The morning began by the team getting shown a video of our loving brawl from the pep-rally. Therefor, we were generously rewarded by having to run 16 suicides in less than 60 seconds. Most of us were able to accomplish this, all but Lucas. I didn't need to ask why, I'm sure that Whitey was unaware as he was cracking down on him.

"You have to do this drill together, as a team. If one doesn't make it, then you ALL run it again." with that, he blew his whistle and we all continued running.


School seemed to be going by slower than usual, however seeing 2 of Brooke's cheerleaders arguing over a boy seemed to get attention of everyone.

"Miss Davis, if you don't get your squad under control then you won't have a squad to lead." He threatened.

The class after that was for sure the most interesting that day. Luke and I noticed Brooke pass a note and we exchanged glances.

He laughed and I was utterly confused.

"That fantasy league I'm doing? I guess Brooke is creating a boy draft..." He smirked.

I half laughed, and then Brooke must have dropped the note because the teacher asked for her purse.

"Actually, you can't do that." A voice spoke, I turned to see Rachel, "It's unlawful to go through student's belongings." She smirked.

The teacher conceited that argument and turned to finish the lesson. "Nice work." I whispered, earning yet another wink from Rachel.

However, I then was missing the drama from that class when we were rewarded with more suicides at practice. Only this time, Lucas was asked to sit out by Whitey.

"The hell is wrong with you man." Nathan spoke, just before Whitey blew the whistle.


Later that night, I spent time with Lucas in an attempt to find out why there was a bit of tension between us.

"So, a boy draft huh?" I joked, mocking him in a way.

He just laughed, "Yeah I guess! Gee, I wonder who I'll get." he teased, knowing Brooke would pick him.

I nodded with a smile on my face, "So, how've you been Luke? Haven't really had a lot of us time..."

He then got into A LOT of detail, even some secrets. I learned about his HCM, him pulling Dan out of the fire, all of it. I looked at him, shocked at everything that had been going on. In return, I told him about my medical issues as well.

"Well, aren't we just doing swell in life." I teased, "But, these pills keep us here Luke. Let's make a deal, that before every game... we take them. Together."

He nodded in acceptance, "Together. Like brothers." He smirked.


Today was the day... Luke and I were headed to school to see how the boy draft turned out. As if we needed to know who picked us, it was pretty much already a given.

"Alright, so who gets a piece of good ol' Tim." Tim said, thinking he was the shit. "Brooke?"

"No, it wasn't her." A voice chimed in, Rachel. "She chose Chris Keller."

"What about everyone else?" Tim pouted.

"Peyton chose Toby, Brooke with Chris, me?" Rachel rambled, "I got Lucas."

"Alright. Fine, no one wanted a night with me? Date night, tonight... girls pay." Tim said, obviously being butt-hurt over the situation.

"Fair enough." Rachel smirked, taking her place next to Lucas.


"I hear we've got a hot date tonight." Peyton said, taking a seat at a picnic table with me.

"Actually...about that," I hesitated, "I'm supposed to go get my results from the doctor today..." I replied, looking at the ground.

"Well shoot, what am I to do without you for a night." She joked, trying to lighten the mood. "Just have to make up for it, huh?" she gave me a nudge before heading off to class.


"Well, Tobin, this is gunna be tough for you to hear but your tests show a heart murmur. So, you add the heart murmur to the heart palpitations from your hypoglycemia... and it could be dangerous." the doctor began, "The new medication you'll be receiving is much stronger than the last, mostly because now it has to work twice as hard to keep your heart as regular as it can."

He kept talking, but to be totally honest I was trying to calm my heart rate right then and there. Things were going okay, nothing was so bad to the point that I wanted to leave or change something... but now? With this? I didn't know what was in store for me now.


Later in the night, Keith had gone to see Karen so I was on my own. I sat there, twirling my new med bottle in my fingers wondering what would happen if I don't take them. My train of thoughts are stopped when there's a knock on my door.

There she stood, looking like a mess. Tears filled her eyes and she was shaking, and it wasn't from the cold.

"Tobin... I did something. I did something really bad." Brooke said.



Hope it's going okay for you all.

PLEASE leave comments! I wanna hear any predictions, suggestions, or ideas you lovely people may have!


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