Chapter Two

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A/N: ayo! Im back again haha!!

So this chapter is the night of the beach party and what not, hope you enjoy it!

Season 3 Episode 2


I woke up stretching, making the typical dino noises everyone loves. I chose to sleep on the couch, and as comfy as it was, I think it was still a bad choice in doing so. I sat up, grunting with a yawn as I rubbed my face.

"You sound like you need some coffee already," Brooke joked, making something in the kitchen, "What would ya like."

I smirked, getting up and sitting at the counter across from her, "I can't, although I'd love to. I'm meeting up with Hales at the Cafe. You're free to come."

"Sorry, I've got some other plans going on." She said, showing off her dimple.

"Right, your fling with Lucas." I joked, winking at her as I got up and got my things together.

She stood there, mouth gaping open. "You might wanna shut that, you'll catch flies." I joked, closing the door behind me as I left.


"So... senior year is gunna be startin' up. How ya feelin' about that." Haley asked, taking a bite of her breakfast.

"Just go day by day I guess... see what happens ya know?"

"Ugh, Toby, ARE YOU GUNNA PLAY BASKETBALL!? You should be out there.." she pouted.

I laughed, taking a sip of coffee, "I don't know Hales... haven't thought that far I guess."

She shrugged, then straightened up as if she realized a deep dark secret, "Do I sulk!? Brooke says I sulk."

I looked at the ceiling as if I were thinking, "I mean, maybe, but only a little." I smiled.

She smirked, throwing a grape at me.


I dribbled as I walked around the court, just thinking of every possible scenario that could happen this year. Good, bad, awful, etc., and then I would take a shot. I went to the free throw line and put a few of those in the hoops, then I would dribble around and shoot off the dribble. Then someone got my rebound. There stood Nathan, putting up a layup before coming towards me.

"Nate... didn't know you were back." I started.

"Yeah. I know, man. Look, I came to talk to you and I mean really talk."

I nodded in response, following him over to the picnic table "So, listen, when I say this...don't think it's for me, or Haley , or Luke, or's for you alright?" he started, "So, we all know you're good. The team could really use you man. You deserve to be out there too, Toby."

I just sat there. I wasn't ignoring him, or thinking he was just being selfish... I was really thinking. And then, I giggled, and he was confused, "That's funny, Nate." I said.

"What? Why...It's true."

"No, no. It's just... you and Haley said the same thing." I smiled, taking the ball and making a shot from behind the arch.


Now, it was time for the fire to be lit to begin our "end of summer" night. Brooke stood in the middle, holding the torch and going on about "as long as this fire burns, it's still our summer". She then looked back at Peyton, where she then turned on rather depressing music. That's when everyone kinda dispersed and did their own thing.

Later in the night, I sat beside Haley, noticing Brooke surrounded by at least 5 guys with Lucas standing and watching. He then goes over to Peyton and they seem to have an intense conversation. Tim then came barging over, shoving a guitar in my face telling Haley to sing "Blue Stars". However, she denied and not a moment later Nathan strolled in, taking the guitar and throwing it in the fire.

"Nate's back!" He stated before galloping away.

Even farther into the night, Haley had gone to talk with Nathan...who was then intercepted my Lucas taking her for a walk. I, being the great loner I am, sat on a rock drinking. Brooke then approached me, wearing nothing but a towel.

"Havin' any fun yet?" she smirked.

"Oh yeah," I said, raising my glass, "a blast." I shook my head.

"Hey," She said, getting her concerned voice going, "What's up."

"Ya know, Brooke, any other night I could probably sit around and talk to you about it... but you clearly have higher priorities tonight." I responded, gesturing to her towel.

"Toby... you know you're a priority. Why do you think I wanted you with me last night? I missed you."

I ran my hand through my hair, exhaling. "Maybe you wanted a fling with me too, I didn't know... Brooke, you're better than this. Having 5 guys swoon over you? That's not you...and you know it Brooke. I can't wait around and watch anymore..." I said, turning and leaving.


A/N: xD I hope youre liking it...if not then its kinda sad):


Again, feel free to message/comment anythiing you have to say!


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