Part 25

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No A/N



The game started of by Nathan getting slammed so hard onto the ground that I helped him up.

"Hey, 19, how about you protect 23! He'll protect you too!" Haley shouted from the stands.

I smiled and shook my head, receiving a pass from Nathan before smashing it into the hoop. We got the ball yet again, and this time I was the one that was sent to the ground.

"Uh, hello! 23! You have to protect him, too!" Brooke yelled, then getting quiet again.

I sent her a wink and sprinted in front of Nathan. I nailed the guy coming into his direction and he bolted for the hoop. He slammed it in and he scored.


"So, how are you feeling after getting trampled last night?" Haley asked, seeming to be off this morning.

I took a seat at the counter, "Sore... but nothing too bad!"

"Any luck on the donor front?"

"No... and it kinda bothers me that Jackson and Carter haven't checked in at all. No call or anything." I sighed, taking a sip of coffee.

"Yeah, okay... look, I should have told you this sooner but I need to talk to you about your surgery." Haley said sternly.

"Mamma!" Jamie said, jumping into the seat beside me, "Can we go see Sam!"

"That'll have to wait!" I said to Haley, turning to Jamie, "J-Luke MUST come first, isn't that right?" I smiled.

Jamie nodded so fast that I really thought he was going to lose his head! I laughed and flung him over my shoulder, "Then lets go!"


"Who's your favorite girl?" Brooke smirked at Jamie as we entered her store.

"Sam!" He said, watching her skate around.

"Uhm... excuse me?"

"Oh, uh... you?" Jamie smirked, running after Sam.

"Good enough." Brooke sighed and rolled her eyes.

"If it means anything... You're my favorite!" I smiled, taking her under my arm.

"Hey!" Haley scoffed. "Anyway... what are you gonna do with this place? Should start a new line, I mean, you have before!" Haley said.

"I don't know... I just haven't been inspired lately." Brooke sighed, squeezing me into a hug.

"Well, I mean, Toby looked pretty hot last night... that should be inspiring, right Brooke?" Milly smirked, sending me a wink.

Brooke rolled her eyes as Jamie approached, "Mamma, can I stay with them tonight?"

"Of course!" Brooke smiled, "I would LOVE to have a man in the house." 

"Hey!" I said, getting a teasing nudge from Brooke.

"Speaking of men... Toby looked really hot last night, didn't he Brooke?" Milly repeated, getting me to laugh.

"Okay, can we not talk about how hot my brother is!" Haley shook her head, "Plus, he takes after me." She teased.


"Okay, Toby, we really need to talk about this... I don't wanna hide this from you." Haley sighed.

"Why would you hide something from me in the first place..." I replied.

"Because the doctor said to take it easy and all this other stuff that freaked me out, okay? I was scared this would push you too far..."

"What would push me?" I said, slightly raising my voice.

"That Carter was the one who gave you the heart!" She said, tears filling her eyes. "That's why they haven't been in touch..."

It all hit at once... the anger, sadness, and betrayal... "How long have you known?"

"Since you had surgery... Jackson told me."

"And Brooke? Does she know?" I said, clenching my jaw.

Haley replied by crying and placing her head in her hands. I shook my head and headed for the door, slamming it as I left.


I slammed the door, again, when I made it home.

"Jamie, why don't you go into Sam's room with her, okay?" Brooke said, waiting until they were gone, "Toby, what's wrong?"

"Did you know..." I breathed, clenching my jaw tighter to hold off the tears.

"Did I know what?"

"About Carter! Did you know that HE was my donor..."

She did exactly what Haley did... replied by crying. I just nodded my head.

"I'll sleep on the couch."


No A/N

till next time!


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